Smooth peanut butter mixture on a baked chocolate cookie and cinnamon crust in a springform pan. Serve with peanut butter cups, whipped cream, chocolate,...
This refreshing cool treat is made lickety split! Using ready-made pie crust and instant pudding, plus a few extras, brings a delightful creamy dessert...
This is a delicious creamy pie that is very easy to make, and does not need to be baked. The HERSHEY'S ® Cinnamon Chips give a wonderful flavor and fragrance...
This has been our dessert of choice for family birthdays! The kids love to choose different flavors of ice cream. In fact, the youngest is 19 today and...
My favorite dessert recipe. Pulled original recipe from one of those homemade cookbooks put together by my company years ago. Don't remember the original...
This pie's rich chocolaty layer and its airy rum cream layer are supported by a spicy gingersnap crust. Please note: this recipe contains raw eggs. We...
This delicious refrigerator pie has lots of tasty layers. Cherry pie filling is spread in the bottom of a graham cracker crust. The next layer is a cream...
A great refreshing pie especially for the men in your life. You can use any type of pre-baked pie shell: pastry, graham wafer, or chocolate wafer. Serve...
Very rich chocolate pie that's perfect with coffee! Garnish with whipped cream if desired. Please note: this recipe contains raw eggs. We recommend that...
This is a beautiful, fluffy French silk Pie. Garnishing it with extra whipped cream and chocolate curls makes it fabulous! I recently made one for a pie...
The first thing I ever cooked was this pie. It's found many lovers over the many years I have made it. I only have one word it is the BEST now that I have...
Yes, it is gloriously Southern -- as I am, and a family favorite! It's made with dark corn syrup, peanut butter and whole peanuts and looks like pumpkin...
When I lived in California, I had avocado trees in my backyard. So I came up with this about 38 years ago. Don't tell anybody it has avocado in it, they...