This is a very light yet amazingly tasty coleslaw. Instead of usual mayo this version uses Greek yogurt and the taste doesn't suffer in the least. Very...
This is the coleslaw recipe from the Brookville Hotel, formerly in Brookville, Kansas. They have since relocated to Abilene. It's easy to take to a potluck,...
Here's a refreshing salad that you can feast on without fear. It's low-calorie and packed with disease-fighting antioxidants in the cabbage, onion, mango...
Growing up in the foothills of North Carolina and enjoying Eastern North Carolina BBQ, we always had barbecue slaw or red slaw served with our pulled pork....
A simple coleslaw without mayonnaise marinates in a sweet and tangy dressing and is served cold. It's easy to make because you use a bag of shredded cabbage....
I was looking for a lower-calorie way to make my husband's favorite summer side dish, as my traditional potato salad was laden with eggs and mayo! The...
This potato salad is made without mayo and gets a fresh and light flavor through the addition of radishes. It also adds a bright color. I make it with...