It just wouldn't be a holiday without my mom preparing a pasta course, whether it precedes the turkey at Thanksgiving or follows antipasti at Easter. My...
This faster and healthier version of Chicken Parmesan is perfect for a cozy weeknight dinner. Serve with garlic bread and a side salad to round out the...
(TInsalata caprese (literally, the salad from Capri) is the perfect summertime dish for cooks in a hurry; slicing is the hardest part. Can be prepared...
Slice up grilled eggplant and zucchini and toss with hot pasta, fresh tomatoes, herbs, and mozzarella for an almost instant ratatouille-inspired pasta...
This fresh take on white pizza has a base of pesto and white cheeses topped with a veritable salad of all our favorite green vegetables. Peas and crispy,...
We combined the rich and indulgent cheesiness of Pommes Aligot and the beautifully swirled rosettes of Pommes Duchesse into one super-luxe casserole that...
Pull-apart bread is the very definition of fun. Just plop it down in front of a table of people and watch it disappear within 2.4 seconds. It really is...
The first time I had this pizza was the first time I let my dough sit overnight in the fridge. This is a cream-based pie, but tomato sauce works well here,...
The secret to a great pizza Margherita is to use the best ingredients you can find-and to approach them with restraint. (Just because a little cheese is...
Nut oils have that same combination of earthy and sweet as root vegetables, which makes them the dream team. With the creaminess of burrata, it's just...
Meet your new favorite pasta dish. It's spaghetti, in the shape of a pie, with crispy edges and a chewy interior. This dish is as fun as it is tasty-your...