The bacon and the pecans add crunch to this delicious salad. You can substitute baby spinach in this recipe for a more tender bite, but we like how the...
Ingredients placed in the cavity of the chicken flavor it from the inside out during roasting. Experiment with onion, other citrus fruit, and your favorite...
Martha's favorite kielbasa is "chunky, meaty, slightly garlicky, with natural casing and not too much fat." Her two favorite purveyors are Sikorski Meat...
Our version of the Italian classic Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce includes ground pork. If you'd like to skip the pork; just use an additional pound of...
A thinly pounded breast works as well for sauteing as it does for grilling. It cooks quickly but stays moist. Dredging the chicken in flour before cooking...
For a hearty dinner of fix-and-forget chicken stew, use a high-quality salsa to save time without skimping on flavor; choose a jar with a short ingredient...
Chicken thighs, one of the moister cuts, cook with the potatoes in stock on the stove and then finish in the oven in this casy dinner recipe. The cooking...
Based on a Mexican classic, this recipe can be made as mild or as spicy as you like. Serve with plain white rice; stir in some chopped cilantro for added...
When Sarah Carey, our editorial director of food and entertaining, was a kid, holiday visits to her grandparents' house often included her grandma's sweet-and-sour...
To ensure a crispy, golden coating and well-cooked meat, keep an eye on the temperature of the oil; it needs to come back up to 350 degrees before adding...
Flavorful rosemary-lemon oil is great for the turkey-it helps create crispy, golden-brown and an aromatic, earthy flavor. You can also use it to season...
Fiery horseradish sauce is a classic companion to roast beef. After the beef finishes cooking, let it stand at room temperature for at least ten minutes...
Roasting chicken thighs with tomatoes and olives couldn't be simpler. The resulting tender meat and crisp skin are set off by mint for freshness and briny...
A whole head of cabbage is cooked with brown sugar, Creole seasoning, and cider vinegar in the same pot as the kielbasa until it strikes the perfect balance...
A Filipino-inspired braise similar to adobo with the potent combination of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and garlic that acts as both marinade and simmer...
Make an irresistible dinner (or three!) with a slow-cooked pork shoulder that has the perfect flavors for a cool evening. Use this recipe to make Open-Faced...
It takes only 30 minutes to make a steaming bowl of this satisfying and comforting chili. Cannellini beans and ground white turkey meat are two healthy...
Brined to retain moisture, then basted with butter and wine while roasting, this turkey, the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal, is golden and juicy....
Beef simmered with garlic and peppers in a thick tomato sauce makes for a warm and satisfying dinner. A slow cooker turns a less expensive cut of meat...
Some cooks use diced giblets (heart, gizzard, and liver) in addition to the pork sausage in order to give this cornbread-based stuffing an extra meaty...
Enjoy this two-in-one turkey and stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving. Autumnal ingredients such as sage and dried cranberries add lively flavor to this hearty...
If you've ever craved pizza and a cheesesteak at the same time -- and who hasn't? -- you're in luck; this pizza incorporates the flavors of both for a...