Easy bourbon chicken recipe takes just 30 minutes on top of the stove! It has a crispy coating and the sweet-spicy-tangy sauce clings to it, creating a...
Author: Marye Audet-White
Green chicken pozole (posole verde) is the Mexican version of chicken soup. Tender chicken, chewy hominy, and peppers simmer all day in the slow cooker...
Author: Marye Audet-White
Chicken butternut squash with vegetables covered in a light coconut cream sauce with simple spices is a quick meal ready in under 30 minutes.
Author: Sandra Shaffer
Salsa chicken is a vintage recipe that's one for the quick and easy file. Chicken breast bakes in a sweet and tangy salsa based sauce that's...
Author: Marye Audet-White
Creamy fiesta chicken in the crock pot is an easy dump dinner with almost no prep time! Serve it over rice as a burrito bowl, spoon over chips for nachos,...
Author: Marye Audet-White
This Chipotle burrito bowl is a copycat of the restaurant version. Flavorful and healthy bowls with homemade cilantro lime rice.
Author: Sandra Shaffer
Crispy, spicy chicken tenders are better than the fast food favorite. The meat is tender and juicy and the coating is perfectly crisp and spicy. Deep fryer,...
Author: Marye Audet-White
This Chinese Roasted Chicken is amazing and extra easy. The skin is perfectly crisp and crackly, there's no basting, and it's served with a delicious soy-lime...
Author: Platings and Pairings
Oven baked chicken tenders marinated in yogurt with flavorful spices, and then dipped in panko flakes for a light breading. Delicious over a salad or serve...
Author: Sandra Shaffer
This 30-Minute Easy Chicken Piccata makes a quick and easy weeknight dinner, but it's also elegant enough for a dinner party at home. The lemon, garlic,...
Author: Platings and Pairings
Learn how to make copycat Popeye's blackened chicken tenders with homemade seasoning! Takes about 30 minutes. They're so easy and are delicious...
Author: Marye Audet-White