Easy homemade baked tortilla bowls that are irresistibly crispy-perfect for taco salad! How to make taco bowls in the oven, using the tortillas of your...
This is the best vegan mushroom stroganoff recipe that is easy to make, and ready in just 20 minutes! It's healthy, creamy, so delicious and can easily...
This easy vegan garlic spinach and feta cheese Spaghetti Squash recipe is the best healthy and delicious comfort food for fall! These stuffed squash boats...
This quick and easy Homemade Pasta Recipe can be made without a noodle machine or eggs in a few simple steps. There's also an option for how to make green...
Crispy pan-fried Vegan Gyoza (Jiaozi) are Japanese Vegetable Dumplings, also called Potstickers. They're made with simple Homemade Dumpling Wrappers that...
Spaghetti Bolognese is the most popular classic pasta dish, and even in the vegan version this recipe is easy & quick to make and always delicious!...
This vegan omelet is super quick & easy to make and can be stuffed with any fillings like mushrooms, spinach, avocado, tomatoes or onions. Fold in some...
This amazing vegan burger recipe is easy to make with simple basic ingredients and the best veggie bean patty, that's gluten-free, soy-free, and grillable!...
Incredibly delicious and healthy Mediterranean tuna melt sandwich. Ready in 10 minutes, this easy on-the-go lunch or dinner recipe is perfect for meal...
Here's a fun twist on the classic Mediterranean cucumber tomato salad recipe, featuring feta cheese, chickpeas & arugula. How to make Mediterranean salad...
Healthy air-fried buffalo chicken breasts that are moist, perfectly crispy, and super easy to make in an air fryer. Such a delicious 20-minute meal that...
A creamy, savory, baked spaghetti mac and cheese made with yellow cheddar, white cheddar and gruyere! How to make mac and cheese with spaghetti noodles...
This Pasta Primavera with asparagus, mushrooms, peas, and vegan parmesan is a healthy and delicious veggie loaded creamy pasta recipe that is easy to make...
Instant Pot Creamy Potato Ham & Kale Soup - This easy creamy soup is thickened only by blending the potatoes into the broth. This soup is Whole30, Paleo...
Easy taco stuffed sweet potato boats to take your taco night to a new fun and healthy level! This simple dinner is nutritious, saucy, and protein-packed....
A warm, crispy, copycat Taco Bell crunchwrap supreme that's WAY tastier than what you'll get at the drive-thru! How to make a crunchwrap supreme at home...
This Vegan Cauliflower Tikka Masala Curry is packed with flavor, protein from red lentils and comes together in less than 20 minutes in one pot! It makes...
This Homemade Spinach Tortillas Recipe is a step-by-step guide showing you how to make Spinach Tortillas to use for quesadillas, tacos, wraps, burritos...
This Vegan Beet Burger recipe is crispy on the outside but soft and juicy on the inside and simply delicious! Made with beets, beans, walnuts, and spices,...
This amazing Vegan Lemon Pasta recipe is made with spaghetti, sautéed asparagus and spinach tossed in a rich and creamy lemon-infused cashew sauce. It's...
This healthy Turkey Taco Soup is packed with lean protein, fresh veggies, and plenty of flavorful spices. It's incredibly easy to make and the perfect...
These Zucchini Corn Fritters are healthy, delicious and very easy to make! They're crisp on the outside, soft inside, and a great quick meal or snack for...
An epically comforting spaghetti grilled cheese sandwich - featuring your favorite spaghetti dish grilled between slices of bread and cheese! How to make...
Learn how to make homemade dumpling wrappers with this easy 2-ingredient dough recipe to use for any Asian dumplings like Japanese Gyoza (Jiaozi, Potstickers),...
This vegan Balsamic Mushroom Pasta recipe is one of the best quick lunch or dinner meals that you can easily make in just 15 minutes using simple ingredients!...
This Vegan Moussaka with creamy Cashew Béchamel is not only incredibly delicious but also healthy, protein-rich, gluten-free, and lighter in calories...
These vegan and healthy Mushroom and Bean 'Meatballs' are simple to prepare and make a perfect lunch or dinner! Especially in combination with a flavorful...
Yakisoba is a Japanese noodle dish that literally translates to grilled (yaki) noodles (soba). It is incredibly versatile, making it a perfect weeknight...
Super juicy air fryer turkey burgers that are easy to make, flavorful, and made with 5 ingredients. Say hello to your new go-to 15 minute dinner! This...