A really filling soup that works well as a main meal and freezes brilliantly - so whip up a big batch and freeze some for later. This is designed to be...
An easy little vegetable samosa recipe that makes a delicious, inexpensive lunch from storecupboard ingredients. They freeze brilliantly too, so you can...
Wonderfully naughty snack, brunch or lunch - great for hungry teenagers. Sit a fried egg on top of the sandwich and it becomes a croque madame. Choose...
Mary's new favourite lunch - quick and easy to make and oh so tasty. If your ciabatta loaf is long and narrow, cut it on the diagonal to give a larger...
A tasty Korean take on a savoury pancake. Serve as a quick brunch, lunch or supper, or as part of a Korean meal. Each serving provides 307 kcal, 5g protein,...
Bouillabaisse is a traditional French fish stew made from the freshly caught seafood of the day. If gurnard is not available, use a fresh meaty fish such...
Baked potatoes are surely the ultimate comfort food, great for feeding a crowd. Choose one or more of these lovely fillings to make a change from plain...
A delightful frittata that will make a great light supper with a green salad and some crusty bread. Each serving provides 481 kcal, 28g protein, 21g carbohydrates...
Use up the end of a jar of curry paste to make these spiced egg mayo sandwiches - we've used korma paste, but you can experiment with what you've got in...
Top these ultimate loaded fries with almost healthy salsa, sliced avocado, soured cream, coriander and lime wedges for squeezing. Like nachos but better!...
These vegetable croquettes from Eat Well for Less are so easy the kids can make them with a little assistance. They're a bit like fritters, but baked!...
This light and summery minestrone soup makes the most of springtime vegetables, don't forget a dollop of pesto on top. Try freezing this soup in portion-sized...
These savoury scones are often mentioned in Hungarian fables and folk tales as the sustaining food that the young man off to conquer the world takes in...
Sweet roast beetroot and shallots mixed with seasonal veg warmed in a sharp sour-sweet dressing. Add mozzarella and a final blue cheese dressing for heaven...
Ricotta is eaten for breakfast in Italy and also works well as a snack. Cinnamon adds sweetness without sugar and blueberries are a relatively low-sugar...