These crispy zucchini fritters take inspiration from the Bengali onion snack piyaju. Soaked and blended red lentils make up the batter, which is spiked...
Two chicken halves won't fit in a standard 10-inch cast-iron, so this recipe calls for both a pan and a baking sheet. If you have a 14-inch pan, you can...
Lasagna roll-ups are so perfectly convenient and handy, particularly for smaller households, because they can be easily assembled in small loaf pans and...
Once you are on a national TV show called Throwdown with Bobby Flay, and you best him with these dumplings, whatever culinary fame you aspired to is gone,...
The unusual name of this cake, also known as "Crazy," "Mixed-Up," "Mix-in-the-Pan," or "Three-Hole" cake, was inspired from the fact that the ingredients...
Get set to impress with this ice cream cake with all of the familiar flavors and textures you'd find in a banana split, like a caramel banana jam, maraschino...
Pancakes made of bananas and almond butter?? Enough said. The protein here comes from the eggs, which also give these sweet, nutty pancakes a light, crepe-like...
When executive editor John Willoughby caught sight of these freshly fried corn dogs, he exclaimed, "Just like the Iowa State Fair!" When he bit into one,...
No chopping required for this weeknight dinner. Just blend spinach, kale, basil, and garlic with feta, cream cheese, and olive oil to make a fresh, rich...
This approachable weeknight dinner takes its cue from Japanese grilled chicken meatballs (tsukune), and the glossy, sweet-and-sour sauce that comes with...
Cooking a whole Dover sole like they do at Petit Trois is no easy task (and can turn into an expensive mistake). We modified the recipe using fillets instead;...
Try to eat just one. A haute version of the favorite bar food, these bites resemble miniature chiles rellenos. A double layer of bread crumbs is the key...
No ice cream machine required for this frozen treat, as the cream is whipped before being frozen. Vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste will make a good...
These delicate jam-filled bar cookies are made with frozen dough that's grated into the pan, which gives them a very light and crumbly texture. If you...
For birthdays, dinner parties, and celebrations, ditch the boxed mix and add this recipe to your repertoire. An egg yolk-only batter gives the cake a sturdier...