These salmon cakes are a perfect appetizer to any meal. The great thing is that you can make them into larger patties and serve them as a main course alongside...
With a sweet and savory glaze, this rich and flavorful Corned Beef with Apricot Dijon Glaze is so easy to make! My secret? Tender corned beef is simmered...
Red Snapper is a great fish for grilling. For this recipe you can substitute just about any white fish with this technique, served with a Cajun Cream Sauce...
This is the final (for now) recipe I am sharing from the Silver Palate Cookbook. It's an old book that first came out in the 70's and I personally believe...
Make this Chinese dim sum Shumai Recipe (Siu Mai, Shaomai, or Siomai). Flavorful Pork Dumplings with crunchy shrimps, bouncy pork & fragrant mushrooms....
This deeply-flavorful short rib rendition builds on memories of that dish - but takes it to the gourmet level - meltingly tender, beefy, velvety and rich....
Throughout the Middle East, tenderized grape leaves are wrapped around fillings of rice, vegetables of the region, resulting in a satisfying, savory finger...
Ina's Company Pot Roast recipe transforms an inexpensive beef chuck roast, some red wine, a little brandy, carrots, onions, celery, leeks, and tomatoes...
In 5 minutes, these arctic char fillets are cooked through, emerging with caramelized edges and skin glistening, ready to receive a citrus bath. Lots of...
This recipe is a mish mash of Pecan Pie from across the way and a traditional British Treacle tart. It seemed to make complete sense to me to combine the...
Here I use shredded short rib meat and wonton wrappers for the "pasta dough" to make a simple ravioli. Feel free to braise the short rib and make the demi-glace...
The combination and the amount used of special chicken and veggies, as well as the seasoning/aromatics and the six hours of cooking time, result in a heavenly...
Baked Rigatoni: Every Italian household has their very own version of it! From North to South the ingredients differ but the cheesy goodness and perfect...
A real authentic Vegetable Paella, this recipe will be sure to impress all your dinner guest. Using white beans as a source of protein its packed with...
Warm corn tortillas topped with shredded cheese, nopales and roasted corn, a drizzle of lime crema, crumbled cotija cheese, a slice of avocado, fresh cilantro...
Caramelized onion flatbread is super delicious and easy to make. It can be a great snack or a flavorful pre-dinner bite. Make this flatbread recipe from...
Juicy, beyond flavorful lamb meatballs served with plump farro and peas. I recommend serving with a mint pesto and lemon yogurt. This is great for a dinner...
The Sachertorte is an elegant chocolate cake filled with apricot jam, covered with a smooth, fudge-like chocolate glaze and decorated with chocolate piping....
This Herbed Garlic Butter Naan is a soft pillowy Indian-style flatbread, rich and buttery with a hint of smokiness and that final coating of garlic and...