Mango Chutney is an Indian condiment. It's so easy to make and pairs well with curries, chicken, pork, steak or lamb. Made with ripe mangoes and spices....
Samosa is an Indian deep-fried appetizer with spiced potatoes. This is an easy samosa recipe with step-by-step method on how to fold Samosa, plus the tips...
Chicken tikka masala is usually made with heavy cream, but I like to use coconut milk instead; its subtle sweetness works beautifully with the spices in...
Personally, I have never been a lamb eater. However, this recipe for grilled lamb chops is superb. The lamb is succulent and the sauce is such a flavor...
Personally, I have never been a lamb eater. However, this recipe for grilled lamb chops is superb. The lamb is succulent and the sauce is such a flavor...
This Indian dish combines fresh spinach and ricotta in a creamy curry. Use paneer if you can find it! It is absolutely wonderful with basmati rice or naan...
This tilapia is a flavorful play of slightly sweet, sour, and savory tastes that will warm you from the inside out. Adjust the heat by adding Indian spicy...
This chicken is spicy, tangy, and juicy, but with no added fat. It's easy to make in large batches, so it's perfect for a party. And unlike most curries,...
Personally, I have never been a lamb eater. However, this recipe for grilled lamb chops is superb. The lamb is succulent and the sauce is such a flavor...
This Indian-inspired smoothie is creamy like a milkshake, sweet, smooth, and doesn't use sugar! It's great as a snack, and is the perfect compliment to...
This Indian-inspired smoothie is creamy like a milkshake, sweet, smooth, and doesn't use sugar! It's great as a snack, and is the perfect compliment to...
This is a truly wonderful recipe for chicken. I have given it to countless friends. It makes a tasty meal when served along with a salad, a vegetable and...
The UK has a large Indian/Pakistani population, so curry is a popular meal where I live. I don't like hot curries, but mild ones are a nice change. This...
The UK has a large Indian/Pakistani population, so curry is a popular meal where I live. I don't like hot curries, but mild ones are a nice change. This...
This is the no-fuss curry recipe for 'quick and easy' cooks out there. The rice is simple yet sweet and flavorful and the tofu with green beans will satisfy...
Salmon fillets smothered in a rich mushroom cream sauce and garnished with parsley, green onions slices, and lemon slices. The sauce has fennel, garlic,...
Salmon fillets smothered in a rich mushroom cream sauce and garnished with parsley, green onions slices, and lemon slices. The sauce has fennel, garlic,...
This Indian-inspired smoothie is creamy like a milkshake, sweet, smooth, and doesn't use sugar! It's great as a snack, and is the perfect compliment to...
A wonderful Indian curry dish that is easy and quick to make. Using the base recipe, you can make several variations of this delicious comfort food. Garnish...
This is a very flavourful and fresh tasting recipe for chicken with fresh herbs. It is a welcome change from heavy spiced chicken curries. This curry tastes...
Chicken that tempts your tongue like candy. This is sweet with a bit of tang. It's light and deep at the same time. Everyone asks for the recipe - it's...
Chicken Makhani is a dish I always loved before becoming vegan. It is my absolute favorite Indian dish, so I knew I had to try to make it so I could curb...
Chicken Makhani is a dish I always loved before becoming vegan. It is my absolute favorite Indian dish, so I knew I had to try to make it so I could curb...
A great blend of exciting and subtle flavors that are infused into the chicken during cooking, making every bite juicy and lively. As 'lively' as the flavor...
A great blend of exciting and subtle flavors that are infused into the chicken during cooking, making every bite juicy and lively. As 'lively' as the flavor...
A delicious, easy, curry chicken dish cooked entirely in a slow cooker. It's even better one or two days later, as leftovers. Your family will love it!...
A great blend of exciting and subtle flavors that are infused into the chicken during cooking, making every bite juicy and lively. As 'lively' as the flavor...
A great blend of exciting and subtle flavors that are infused into the chicken during cooking, making every bite juicy and lively. As 'lively' as the flavor...