I've spent extensive time eating my way through Italy. This recipe is modified from a restaurant in Bagnione, Italy. I've substituted a combination of...
A cheesy casserole with all of your favorite pizza toppings. I like to serve this with a salad and garlic bread. The leftovers are great. I have prepared...
This is a delicious baked pasta dish with large shells filled with meat, spinach and cheese that children always seem to love. It is kind of a 'spaghetti...
Steak Diane was a staple on menus in fine dining establishments back in the day. Prepared tableside where the server ignited the cognac, it was an impressive...
Gluehwein is a German/Austrian winter-holiday drink that most tourists know as an after-ski drink. After you come in out of the snow, it is supposed to...
This was my Grandma's secret family recipe from her French ancestors. I have never seen a recipe like this on any site. It's a rich creamy sauce over chicken...great...
I searched and searched for just the right rolled flank steak recipe and couldn't find it. So, I created my own! This was a big hit when I made it for...
Light, healthy and easy. The saute part can be done in advance. I add some anchovies with the onions and garlic and let them dissolve into the vegetable...
I'm no expert at making phyllo dough, but the good news is, despite that, I still managed to achieve some fairly excellent results, and suspect you will...
This recipe has been in the family for generations. The meat is so tender and with the red pepper sauce, is so flavorful you'll want to make it at least...
Delicious and easy Swiss steak recipe that will have you out of the kitchen in under 20 minutes. I love to pair this with egg noodles or rice, being sure...
This gorgeous candy is very easy, but it does take a while to make--mostly standing at the stove and stirring. But it's worth it for the gorgeous nut-studded,...
No shortcuts here! This is the best beef stroganoff recipe there is! Recipe can be doubled, but don't freeze. Tenderloin can be expensive, so sometimes...
A wonderful blend of seafood and citrus! The secret ingredient is the lemon peel! Thanks to my Dad, this is one of our favorites! TIP: Have all the ingredients...
Here is an easy way to dress up your chicken for a weeknight, or for company! Use prepared pesto, or make your own! Add some flavorful prosciutto and some...
I love pan-searing because it gives the filet mignon steaks that beautiful color and crust on the outside and leaves them so tender inside! And because...
Tart balsamic vinegar brightens up bell peppers, sweet tomatoes, and juicy chicken sausage for flavorful Italian fare. Bring it all together with toasted...
Ricotta-spiked meatballs are so tender, so flavorful, and so delicious. There are hardly any ingredients. Of course we're going to throw this over some...
This is a fabulous lasagna made with an artichoke and spinach mixture which has been cooked with vegetable broth, onions and garlic. The mixture is layered...
These cookies are a labor of love and we did a lot of research to perfect this recipe for you, after our own failures. Please follow as written and you...
The Bellini was created in the late 1930s to early 1940s by Guiseppe Cipriani at the legendary Harry's Bar in Venice, a favorite hangout for expats including...
Grew up eating golumpki. Yes I'm mostly Polish, but always wanted more sauce on them and didn't like the 'mushiness' of the burger inside. This is the...
A simple way to prepare chicken that looks like you spent a lot of time preparing. It can also be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated until baked....