Looking for an easy way to serve eggs to a crowd? Use a blender to quickly whisk the eggs together, then bake on a sheet pan until the texture is custardy-more...
By its very nature, a Pavlova is a little wild-as proved by these three tiers of airy meringue, which crack and crumble to reveal marshmallowy interiors...
This is morning-after-your-party food. It even calls for day-old fried tortillas! They're cooked in salsa roja, topped with fried eggs, pickled chiles,...
Made with quick-rise yeast, this is a sweeter, richer challah that lends itself especially well to Rosh Hashanah or other holiday uses. It is quicker and...
When executive editor John Willoughby caught sight of these freshly fried corn dogs, he exclaimed, "Just like the Iowa State Fair!" When he bit into one,...
This is an original recipe for Massa Savada. It's from my Portuguese Grandmother 'Vova' who was from Sao Miguel in the Azores. This recipe is very large;...
On Succoth, a joyous seven-day autumn harvest festival (a kind of Jewish Thanksgiving), stuffed foods-most notably holishkes, but also kreplach, stuffed...