This savory pie calls for roasting tomatoes to concentrate their flavor, then layering them with two kinds of cheese atop a garlic-butter crust for a result...
These rolls are based loosely on b'stilla - a phyllo-crusted "pie" of shredded chicken that's been simmered with Moroccan spices and then mixed with egg...
When the pumpkin pie is gone, but you've only just begun to get your fill of pumpkin desserts, this bundt will fill the void quite nicely (and the somewhat...
Use the best, freshest eggs you can find, and don't even think of making this dish with eggs from stressed-out battery chickens. You can taste the difference....
This is a remarkable quiche recipe for a few reasons: The dough is intentionally generous so that it can be formed into tall walls all around, and the...
This recipe is part of the Epicurious Online Cooking School, in partnership with the Culinary Institute of America. To watch it being made, and to learn...
Like many versions, this Philippine rice porridge is is topped with crisp garlic chips for crunch. A mix of regular and sticky rice gives the dish just...
When I put these ingredients in my rice cooker, I knew the flavors would complement each other, but I wondered what the dish would look like. It was lovely!...
This is hands down the easiest way to always have delicious chicken cutlets at the ready to feed your family at a moment's notice-no messy dredging or...
The secret to Sticky Toffee Pudding sweetness is dates, baked into a dense cake that's drizzled with caramel-special enough to be served for company and...
This might look like a relative of coffee cake but don't be fooled. The layer of streusel in this marbled loaf cake gets a complex punch of flavor from...
When it comes to dessert, I am a chocoholic first and fruit-pie lover second; but after several test batches to perfect this cake, I am completely won...
Nancy Patton of Guilford, Connecticut, writes: "As a new subscriber to Bon Appétit, I was delighted to see the "R.S.V.P." section. I've been yearning...