RECIPE VIDEO ABOVE. Baked ham made easy! The most incredible ham glaze ever with a subtle perfurme from maple and festive spices. If using a larger ham,...
Baker's sugar, a favorite of pastry chefs, is also called superfine sugar. It measures the same as regular but dissolves more quickly. It's available at...
Tangy lemon curd and a white chocolate ganache are each folded with whipped cream to form airy mousses. They're layered here with pretty sliced strawberries,...
An enjoyable twist on the traditional Easter dessert, these lemon meringue cupcakes consist of the moistest cupcakes you will ever have, filled with creamy--yet...
Gem Cakes are mini sour cream cakes dressed up in colorful glaze. Thanks to the addition of sweet rice flour and sour cream, they have a uniquely plush...
To make this slightly sweet dish such a delicious departure from other melon soups, Kinch briefly cooks vibrant Cavaillon and Charentais melons. Feel free...
Twice Baked Spinach and Goat's Cheese Soufflés: This tasty vegetarian main can easily be doubled. Make sure you use a baking dish that's just big enough...
Who doesn't love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter? These eggs are like an upscale version of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. You can actually...
Every Easter when I was growing up, I would wake up to the smell of makoviy rulet, a poppy seed and nut roll that's a traditional baked delicacy popular...