Often sold as street snacks in Holland, stroopwafels come from the same town famous for Gouda cheese. They're a decadent treat made from two waffle cookies...
To create a good texture for the apple crisp, the general rule of thumb is three parts fruit to one part topping. You can also swap out the apples for...
The filling for this pie is covered with a thin layer of superfine sugar, which turns into a beautiful, brittle sheet of caramel when bruleed, or burned,...
Martha's version of a classic pineapple upside-down cake uses dried tart cherries for maraschinos, and features a layer of thinly sliced fresh pineapple....
Make sure the dough is well chilled. The log of orange sable dough is rolled in crystallized ginger which, when sliced, forms decorative and delicious...
The key to making creamy, melt-in-your-mouth truffles is using the highest-quality chocolate you can find. But youshould also let your palate guide you:...
Faux bois, or imitation wood grain, is a favorite motif of Martha's -- use a plastic faux-bois mat (available from Chinese Clay Art) to give cookies this...
B'Steeya is served throughout much of North Africa on special occasions; it's layered with buttery phyllo dough and finished with a dusting of sugar and...
This rich custard, like the filling for a traditional pumpkin pie, is baked in a hollowed-out 'SmallSugar Pie' pumpkin and topped with a drizzle of maple...
Spooned into cups or served in bowls, this recipe is simple and delicious. It can also be used as a base for chocolate cream pie.From the book "Mad Hungry"...
When you give carrot cake a hummingbird-inspired spin, it really takes a slice to new heights. To capture the essence of a classic Hummingbird Cake, we...
This gelatin was formed in a turkey-shaped mold, but any five-cup mold will work. If you prefer, you can prepare two smaller gelatins by dividing the layers...
Make these crispy bowl-shaped cookies to serve our Cherry Sherbet. The tuile batter can be made a day in advance. Refrigerate it in an airtight container...
Inspired by a classic cocktail made with limoncello (a lemon liqueur) and Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine), this incredibly refreshing dessert is a cinch...
Rosemary represents remembrance. So our rosemary shortbread cookies are sure to make a lasting impression. Download our decorative card; color-print onto...
This rustic pie is full of Italian flair, with tomatoes -- some still on the vine for decoration -- mozzarella, Parmesan, basil, and zucchini. Roll out...
Because it's small, a Cavaillon melon makes a perfect bowl for a single serving. Here it's filled with scarlet raspberries and watermelon, and the orange...
A sprinkling of crushed chocolate-covered espresso beans hints at the filling's intense flavor and provides a bitter crunch that's perfect against its...
The butter, brown sugar, and almonds in this crust make for a really rich flavor -- it tastes like a cookie! Blind-baking before filling keeps it crisp....