Combine banana butter frosting with this delicious peanut butter cupcake recipe from Lisa Altmiller's grandmother, Lottie, for a decadent dessert. Frost...
These fresh strawberry cupcakes are superior in moistness, tenderness, and they are bursting with strawberry flavor! The strawberry whipped cream frosting...
This recipe for all-natural strawberry cupcakes is topped with a strawberry white chocolate buttercream. These pretty pink cupcakes are perfect for special...
This American Flag Cake is made with cupcakes! It's makes a perfect dessert for Memorial Day or July 4th. Learn to make this cupcake cake with this easy...
The blending of a rich dark chocolate cake and the creamy deliciousness of peanut butter frosting makes for the most amazing Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake...
It's official: Every season should be cupcake season. In our Southern kitchens, it's always a good time of year to make sweet treats that have a show-stopping...
Pumpkin and caramel make such a wonderful combination and these Pumpkin Salted Caramel Cupcakes are amazing. Moist and delicious, you are going to love...
Delicious Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes are so easy to make and perfect for just about any occasion. Dress these cuties up for any holiday or celebration...
Boston Cream Poke Cake is a divine combination of yellow cake, vanilla pudding, and a chocolate glaze. This poke cake version results in a supremely moist...
After trying a wide range of different approaches, I finally hit the right combination of ingredients for a lush, moist, and intensely tasteful carrot...
How to make Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes!For the swirl icing as pictured you will need disposable piping bags and a Wilton 2D tip or similar. Of course, you...
Mango Cupcakes with Mango Buttercream are perfect for spring! They are super easy to make. Made with fresh mango puree, mango extract, and topped with...
These soft and fluffy vanilla cupcakes are light, moist, and perfectly cakey, laced with fragrant vanilla and notes of caramel. Best of all, they're one-bowl...
This recipe is a variation of my favorite cookie recipe, White Chip Orange Dream Cookies. It is a very easy recipe, since you use a box mix. It really...
If you or someone you know is a cookie dough lover, YOU MUST make these cookie dough cupcakes stuffed with cookie dough and topped with an indulgent chocolate...
I love carrot cake, but most recipes are a bit too sweet for my tastes, especially the frosting. These are more savory, but still sweet enough to enjoy...
EASY - This recipe is easy for anyone wanting to make an easy Halloween treat! However, black cocoa can be hard to find depending on where you live. US...
These spiced fall cupcakes are a riff on the classic Thanksgiving casserole. These days, I tend to like savory sweet potato dishes with the meal, but marshmallowy...
Combine banana butter frosting with this delicious peanut butter cupcake recipe from Lisa Altmiller's grandmother, Lottie, for a decadent dessert. Frost...
Our Pink Ombre Princess Cupcakes will wow your Little Princess at her birthday party! These super yummy, easy-to-make, and Perfectly Pink Cupcakes are...