This salty-sweet treat is one that both kids and adults alike will love. Plain popcorn and coarsely chopped salted pretzels are mixed together with a rich...
Learn how to make the easiest butter cookies with only 3 ingredients that you already have. These butter cookies are so delicious and they melt in your...
Inspired by classic cinnamon rolls, these dainty spirals swap sticky yeast bread for more manageable trappings but retain the intoxicating, iconic stripes...
The pink hearts are made from a sugar-cookie dough; the chocolate hearts are a little denser. (This is our corrected recipe for the chocolate heart cookie...
A double dose of maple sets these leaf-shaped sandwich cookies apart: maple sugar goes into the buttery shortbread dough, and maple syrup sweetens the...
Think of these sweets as deconstructed biscotti. The cookies have a similar flavor, but here the dough is pressed into a single flat sheet for faster baking...
The tops of these brownie-like cookies look as if they've been shattered. Coat the balls of dough thoroughly in confectioners' sugar before they go in...
These tuiles are as buttery and light as the traditional version, but they have an added sparkle and tartness, thanks to the addition of Meyer lemon. Their...
Classic lemon bars get a couple of twists: wheat germ adds texture to the shortbread crust, and lime juice and zest join their lemon counterparts to flavor...
These nutrient-dense oat bars are packed with dried fruit, cherries, blueberries, and papaya, as well as nuts, and flaxseed. And there's no refined sugar,...
A foolproof recipe for the sugar cookie dough and royal icing that we use for Easter cookies. Find out more about the easy techniques for decorating these...
These cookies are studded with dried currants, which are tiny raisins made from Zante grapes. The currants must be soaked overnight, so you'll need to...
Fresh raspberry-and-white-chocolate cream is a lofty alternative tofrosting or jam filling. Using a small icecream scoop to form the vanilla sugarcookies...
Classic sugar cookies take baking back to basics. But in their simplicity lies their perfection: It's hard to beat the delicate flavor of cookies with...
Two classic Middle Eastern ingredients, rice flour and rose water, come together in these uniquely textured special-occasion cookies. Brown butter adds...
Believe it or not, the two cookies in this photo share the same delicious ginger-spiced dough. The main recipe will result in a patterned cookie laced...
A bracing mint filling is sandwiched between crisp chocolate cookies and coated with a thin layer of dark chocolate in this homemade version of beloved...