A touch of rice flour is the secret to perfectly crisp shortbread. With such a short ingredient list, it's important to use the best-quality salted butter...
A rich cream-cheese dough flecked with lemon zest is filled with sweet-tart raspberry preserves in these festive pinwheel cookies known as joulutorttu,...
These crave-worthy cookies have a kiss ofcherry and make a sweet valentine when sealedwith a personalized cherry-hearts tag. Try swapping the cherries...
The addition of green tea leaves and matcha add a fragrant, floral-note to these shortbread-like cookies. Martha made this recipe on episode 508 of Martha...
Stiffened, sweetened egg whites can be used for many purposes -- for simple cookies such as these kisses, for vacherin and dacquoise, and as the base of...
Also known as cuccidati or turtigliuna, buccellati are Sicily's best-known Christmas cookie. Martha fills the buttery dough with a delicious combination...
In the venerable tradition of kitchen sink and compost cookies aka cookies with lots of (unexpected) add-ins, comes these salty-sweet treats. We use dark...
The name of these buttery cookies comes from the word "polvo," which means dust in Spanish, and refers to their cinnamon-sugar coating, as well as the...
Hailing from the Abruzzo region of central Italy, these wafer cookies get their intricate shape by cooking a waffle-like batter between two hot iron plates....
These delicate, crumbly cookies hail from France's Normandy region and are delicious plain, dipped in dark chocolate, or sandwiched with jam. Once you...
This easy chocolate chip cookie recipe is made with the traditional ingredients like sugar and semi-sweet chocolate chips except matzo meal replaces the...
Using coconut oil instead of butter not only gives these drop cookies a healthy boost, but it also adds great flavor. Martha made this recipe on "Martha...
Even nonbakers will find this traditional Passover cookie an easy-to-make dessert. With just four ingredients, the macaroons can be whipped up in under...
Sugar and spice aren't the only things nice in this version of the beloved snickerdoodle: We added pumpkin puree. Besides infusing the cookies with seasonal...
Falling somewhere between a pie and a cookie, this pastry tops a crisp crust with a thick layer of pecans. The sweet pecan filling offers a delicious variation...
These hearty treats are like a granola bar and a cookie rolled in one. This dough is sticky and a bit crumbly (but hey, it's gluten-free and vegan!) --...
Unlike traditional recipes, this batter produces very flat and crisp chocolate chip cookies. Use an ice cream scoop to ensure even baking and uniform size....
Also known as nutmeg slices, these easy-to-make cookies boast two more warming spices -- cinnamon and ginger -- and are just the thing for a coffee break....