No eggs? No problem. Even discerning eaters won't be able to taste the difference between these treats and traditional oatmeal cookies. This recipe adapted...
A cushion of fluffy chocolate buttercream is suspended between two crisp chocolate wafers. The finishing touch? Rolling in toasted hazelnuts for a buttery,...
Although this bar is as rich and moist as cake, you don't need a fork to enjoy it. The kirsch-spiked filling will appeal to grown-up tastes; for kids,...
These cluster cookies are a no-bake treat that kids and adults will love. With just 3 ingredients -- cornflakes, dried cherries, and melted chocolate --...
Russian for "well-spiced," pryaniki are made with an irresistible combination of honey, brown sugar, and gingerbread spices. The cookies are filled with...
Simple sugar cookies become tokens of affection when cut into X's and O's for your valentine. This recipe appears on the Martha Stewart Makes Cookies App....
Crisp pistachio cookies, sandwiched around a soft, chocolate filling, are dipped in bittersweet chocolate and garnished with a sprinkle of bright-green...
With its cheesecake center nestled between toasted coconut and a fudgy crust, this rich treat just may be the candy bar of your dreams. Be sure to use...
We've taken the guesswork out of making this classic French Macaroons with Toasted Hazelnuts, so you can prepare the dessert at home (for less than 25...
Get out your cookie cutters! As its name suggests, this sugar cookie recipe is ideal for making cutout cookies for Christmas, Easter, or any other holiday...
Take one bite of this Southern classic, and you'll see why its name supposedly originated from the word 'divine'! Divinity candy is nougat-like confection...
The pink hearts are made from a sugar-cookie dough; the chocolate hearts are a little denser. What holds these charming sandwich cookies together is a...
These delicate, crispy cookies have a lacelike appearance and are delicious served with tea -- or combine them with Melon with Orange-Ginger Syrup for...
You can try any combination of dried fruits and nuts to make delicious variations of this cookie. Bananas, mangoes, and macadamias lend a tropical note;...
Take a cue from the French and bake meringues in a rainbow of colors. Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, they're utterly irresistible. Start...
One of Santa's favorites, this cookie is dressed for the season with honey, cinnamon, and brandied golden raisins. You can substitute white chocolate with...
Sugar cookies turn magical when their centers are cut out and filled with chopped hard candies. As the dough bakes, the candy melts into a dazzling stained-glass...