Chocolate chip cookies are a go-to favorite dessert, sweet snack, or after-school treat. This cookie-which is made in the soft and chewy style-gives you...
These Italian cookies are made without butter or oil and are twice baked to crisp perfection. Try Rum-Soaked Raisin Biscotti, Cherry Espresso Biscotti,...
Sugar cookies are a buttery classic that make a delicious anytime treat. Enjoy your sugar cookies plain, or decorate them with icing to make them festive....
These cookies are crispy at the edges, chewy in the center, and loaded with 2 kinds of chocolate. Feel free to add 2 cups chopped walnuts or pecans to...
For those who can't choose between chocolate chip or oatmeal as their favorite cookie, here is the ultimate compromise. The cookie jar won't stay full...
The creamy lemon squares of your dreams take just 15 minutes of prep: Stir together a mere three ingredients to create a sunny, puckery filling for the...
Add chopped nuts to make these cookies even crunchier. After beating in the dry ingredients, stir up to one cup of pecans, walnuts, or almonds into the...
Loaded with ample doses of sweet dates, raisins, and buttery pecans, this easy recipe for drop cookies from reader Jackie Schulman of Tucker, Georgia,...
German for "pepper nut," pfeffernusse cookies are named for the pinch of pepper added to the dough before baking. It joins a quartet of warm spices --...
Pull a fast one on the kids: In just 10 minutes, whip up the dough for these sweet, crunchy treats made with whole-wheat flour. Many recipes for baked...
Here's a risk-free way to get rich quick: Try our easy take on the classic chocolate-caramel butter bars known as millionaire's shortbread. We swap in...
These crisp, sugar-dusted Polish cookies made with twists of dough quickly fried in hot oil are also known as angels' wings or bow ties. Martha likes to...
Made from 2 small chocolate sponge cakes filled with fluffy vanilla icing, whoopie pies have been a lunch-box staple for generations. In this classic recipe,...
A variegated pattern of deep dark chocolate and pure white powdered sugar makes these crinkly cookies a striking study in contrast. Roll balls of the rich...
To ensure your cookies come out just right, follow a couple of basic rules: Space them at least 1 inch apart during baking, rotate the sheet pan half way...
A combination of fresh and ground ginger, molasses, and chunks of semisweet chocolate makes the cookies sophisticated enough for adults but chocolaty enough...
Delight picnic-goers with a portable version of summer berry crumble: a perfect marriage of tart fruit and tender cake, capped with a slightly crunchy...
Want to learn how to make macarons? We've taken the guesswork out of making these patisserie beauties, so you can prepare them at home. Our foolproof macarons...
A signature Christmastime sweet, our tiny almond-flavored cookies bear the print of the baker's thumb, which is gently pressed into the partially baked...