Jam Thumbprint Cookie Recipe - these quick and easy, simple, old - fashioned thumbprint cookies, that are made from a few simple ingredients and have jam...
Fruitcake Loaf Cake. A richly flavoured cream cheese batter is the star of this quick, easy fruitcake in a smaller loaf size for those who don't want...
A seasonal treat is this whimsical Santa-bread recipe, brought to us by chef Michel Richard, owner of Citron in Los Angeles and Citronelle in Santa Barbara...
Black and white checkerboard cookies can be complicated to make. But not this pared-down version, which retains all the delicacy of the classic German...
This recipe is adapted from "Great Italian Desserts," by Nick Malgieri. Nick Malgieri directs the baking programs at the Institute of Culinary Education...
Relish the taste of Italian baking with these golden little cookies that are a favorite for special occasions-slightly crisp on the outside, decked in...
Eggnog Sugar Cookie Bars: two times the eggnog makes these an awesome holiday treat for the eggnog lover in your life. Sugar cookie bars are so much easier...
Garlic, butter and white wine shrimp - this recipe is one of the best shrimp recipes out there. This shrimp dish is rich, creamy, super flavorful and easy...
This no bake Christmas Jelly Slice recipe is the PERFECT no bake Christmas recipe! It's a great Christmas dessert or party food and everyone will love...
Save yourself a trip to the diner, and make this Copycat Restaurant-Style Hash Brown Casserole at home. This Copycat Restaurant-Style Hash Brown Casserole...
These fun homemade chocolate candy hearts are an easy way to get the kids in the kitchen with you while you are making them. The kids can help make them...
Shepherd's Pie - the perfect comfort food ever! layer of ground lamb with vegetables cover with mashed potato layer. This dish is so rich and comforting!...
Shake up your menu with our Green Bean Casserole Amandine recipe. Green Bean Casserole Amandine is the perfect way to take your green bean casserole game...
Get all the flavor of this festive holiday drink combined with a thick slice of cheesecake in this Holiday Eggnog Cheesecake recipe. Blend in the flavors...