A very dark, rich chocolate cookie for the true chocoholic. This recipe uses relatively little flour, resulting in dense, fudge-like cookies. These cookies...
Delicious, not too crispy biscotti, which can be dipped in or drizzled with melted chocolate. (You can use slivered almonds instead of the hazelnuts, if...
Out of OREO® crumbs for a recipe? Here is my homemade version. I make this for my homemade ice cream cakes or any recipe calling for OREO® or chocolate...
In honor of my Irish heritage and maiden name, I am dedicating these to my children. My kids love mint and I put this recipe together for St. Patrick's...
This was the most requested cookie for my late grandmother to make. It is a small drop cookie; one everyone will love. Spread my grandmother's Chocolate...
These are a perfect treat with a cup of coffee for breakfast, with tea in the afternoon or for a light dessert. Fancy enough for company but simple enough...