The secret of this popular dish lies in the marinade, which, when cooking, caramelizes the chicken and other ingredients, joining them together. When wrapping...
This recipe is from Rachel Ray. Her recipe uses fresh parsley, basil and thyme. She also uses wine to deglaze the pan. I have made adjustments to the recipe...
This is so yummy and really hits the spot especially in the summer months when it is warm and dinner outside is the answer! Time does not include marinading...
Nice moist dressing covers chicken breasts and the two cook together into a wonderfully satisfying meal. This is such an easy meal to put together that...
This chicken has a wonderful flavor and the citrus makes it nice and tender. Plan ahead, because it does need to marinade 1-2 hours. We enjoy using the...
This came from Cooking Pleasures Magazine, March 2008. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks easy and yummy. If you don't have tenders, you can substitute...
This is an excellent "impress the boss" type of recipe and its very, very easy. I serve this with rice, but you could serve it with pasta, and a green...
Found this on line (from The Whole Chile Pepper Book) for the World Tour 2006 "tweeked" Serving suggestion: This sauce is excellent with poultry; serve...
I have been making this for over 10 years and is the most requested recipe I have! This is everyone's favorite chicken dish I make! It's a nice change...
This has fettuccini tossed with sauteed chicken, mushrooms, onions, red and green peppers and a spicy, tomato creole sauce. It is an amazing combination...
Awesome taste from this four ingredient marinade. Chicken breasts cooked very quickly on a high heat barbecue grill. Great served on a green salad for...
This recipe is based on the Cook's Illustrated recipe from their Cover and Bake cookbook. As with all their recipes it is the best. But mine is better...
From Cook's Illustrated. Very much like Chicken Piccatta, but moister, with less hands-on time required. But also not as quick - the choice is yours. (I...
Pizza topped with chicken, bell peppers, onions and salsa. Another family favorite that has been adapted from a Pillsbury Bake-off recipe. Prep time does...
An extremely easy pasta salad from Kraft Foods. You can substitute or add any other ingredients you like. I sometimes add cubed mozzarella, Parmesan and...
This is from the local paper. I've tried chimichurri sauce once and like it, so I want to try this one. The paper suggests to make the breasts all uniform...
This is another great 'after work' recipe I've found recently in the Chicago Tribune. The trib credits the 'Chef Kathleen's Cooking Thin Daybook' for this...
I did a search for a recipe containing chicken breast, mushrooms and fresh baby leaf spinach and I found this delicious and simple recipe on
Southwest Chicken in a slow cooker/crock pot will make your life tasty and easy. Salsa, chicken, canned corn & black beans in the morning for a surprisingly...
This recipe tastes exactly like a dish from my favorite Japanese/Chinese restaurant. I got it from Rachael Ray's page on the food network website. It is...
I first tasted this dish at our local grocery store and then brought home the recipe changed it to meet my family's taste. My son and daughter just love...
I developed this, and the great thing about this recipe is that you can coat the breasts, brown them in oil and then refrigerate for up to 8 hours before...
from ww message boards NOTE: if you have a newer crockpot, i would only cook for about 4 1/2 -5 hours otherwise you will end up with dry chicken and a...
Very tasty enchiladas and a great way to use up three-quarters of a pound of chicken or half-used can of black beans. My husband, who is quite vocal about...
Better than fast food takeout, brining is the key to this tender juicy chicken, any leftovers can be stuffed in between a crusty bun topped with mayo,...
This is a dish my mom has been making forever. It is very tasty and appeals to all. We only serve this dish occasionally as it is pretty high salt -- although...