These delicious chicken breasts are stuffed with basil, garlic and parmesan cheese. Then they're grilled to perfection while basting with a lemon butter...
This is a recipe I've been perfecting for a while and I think I've reached nirvana. I crave these at least once a week and even though the instructions...
I use the boxed Kellogg's cornflake crumbs for this, you can usually find them next to the Shake and Bake chicken coating mixes, if you are not able to...
This quick, easy and delicious dish is perfect for after-work or any busy day. This goes really well with garlic mashed potatoes. Adapted from The Marshall...
This was one of my FAVORITE chicken dishes growing up. We didn't have it too often, (for health reasons :) but when we did I knew it was going to be a...
This is sooo easy to make, and everyone thinks you spent a lot of time making it. The cooking technique is what really makes this recipe work so well....
I searched for this recipe on-line. I found a link to it from a Knoxsville, TN news station that Carrabba's Italian Grill was the presenter for chicken...
This really tastes like restaurant greek chicken we get here in the Chicago area. Moist chicken, lots of flavorful sauce. Start with frozen chicken breasts...
This is an easy, creamy and spicy dish, that can be served in about 45 minutes or less, depending on the chicken pieces you choose. Make it as hot as you...
A light, fruity chicken dish, only 4 WW points, but you would never know. Other fruit preserves, such as apricot, blackberry, or peach will also work in...
This is a versatile recipe using your favorite herb with cream cheese, sandwiched in a chicken breast half, then breaded and baked for 30 minutes. Presto,...
Cold shredded chicken in a peanut-sesame dressing is a common component of the exquisitely arranged cold appetizer platters served at Chinese banquets....
I'm not sure where I found this recipe, but it has become one of our family favorites. It is so quick and easy to put together and does not require marinating...
This is a wonderfully colorful and flavorful salad. It was given to me by my friend Mary. If you leave out the chicken it can be a side dish. It can be...
Easy to put together! My Mom gave this to me when I moved into my first apartment. It makes 8 big ones so you'll definitely have tasty leftovers! I like...
I found this from Yahoo food, I believe it's a Kraft recipe. I tried this out since my DH loves anything with parmesan. It is so delicious and unbelievably...
I never make any sort of chicken/turkey without brining it first. Once you try this recipe, you won't either. This is my standard brine that I use most...
The ripe, tropical flavors of this salsa couldn't find a better partner than the curry-inspired rub. Tastes wonderful on pork, chicken or turkey! Recipe...
This is a great dish for a summer meat. The marinade gives the chicken an appetizing flavor and helps keeps it succulent and moist during cooking. Time...
This is the first recipe I ever tried for white chili, and it is the best one I have ever found. I found it in a cookbook called So Fat, Low Fat, No Fat,...
This is the marinade I use for the chicken in my chicken lime taquitos, but it is so wonderful plain, I thought I'd post it separately. You can use any...
Buffalo, NY makes the best chicken wings. This dip tastes exactly like chicken wings because Frank's Red Hot Sauce is the source for the flavor. I found...
This is yummy, quick and easy. I got the recipe from Publix Apron's Simple Meals series. I used flour instead of cornstarch and added a little bit more...
Fresh lemongrass can be found at Asian markets, specialty greengrocers, and at many supermarkets. If unavailable use dried lemon grass (soak in hot water...
The delicious combination of tomato, oregano and feta turn this simple chicken dish into something special. Plan ahead as it needs to marinate for several...
You can use a whole cut-up chicken or 10 chicken thighs if desired and increase baking time. if you are in a hurry you can omit the browning, but the chicken...