These pistachio- and almond-studded sweets are made with semolina and ghee. Eat the halva hot and soft out of the frying pan, or press it into a cake tin...
Author: Madhur Jaffrey
Make any kind of shape you'd like. The cookies can be rounds instead of rectangles, and you can use any smaller cutter for the cutouts.
Author: Claire Saffitz
Author: Bon Appétit Test Kitchen
Author: Sara Perry
A super-easy, no-mixer-needed cookie dough recipe that doesn't dirty any bowls and leaves plenty of time for the fun stuff-baking, decorating, and eating...
Author: Claire Saffitz
Two for one: Spooning spiced butter over steak flavors the meat while building a nuanced sauce.
Author: Andy Baraghani
Author: Emilie Baltz
Light, airy, and delicious, these classic Swedish treats are ideal for Valentine's Day.
Author: Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez
Author: Paul Grimes
Author: Bon Appétit Test Kitchen
Author: Cindy Mushet