Even in its simplicity, there's something about this buttery almond cake that just feels special. Baking it in a pie dish allows for you to serve it straight...
This flavorful sweet bread is packed with dried fruit and nuts and has a very moist crumb. The recipe makes one large loaf or three small loaves that you...
You can bake this cake as two layers, fill it with your favorite fruit preserves (try black cherry or raspberry), and frost it with the Mocha Buttercream...
This is one heck of a cake on so many levels. For starters, nobody is ever going to guess there's zucchini in here, because it virtually disappears in...
Under all the whipped cream icing of the Black Forest cake are three layers of chocolate génoise soaked in kirsch. My father finished his génoise by...
A thick layer of pure white chocolate truffle separates the amaretto-brushed layers, and a bit more truffle filling is used to flavor the whipped cream...
This recipe is part of the Epicurious Online Cooking School, in partnership with the Culinary Institute of America. To watch it being made, and to learn...
This moist pound cake is the most requested Swans Down recipe of all time. Whether it's your first time trying it or a perennial favorite, the fork-tender...