Chocolate cake is a beautiful thing on its own, but adding a thick layer of sharp passionfruit curd undercuts the heavy richness and balances the sweetness-which...
Rich, delicious chocolate cake with bit of cherry and a drizzle of glaze is a perfect ending to any meal. Luckily this cake is easy to make and every bit...
This simple single-layer vanilla cake has a delicate texture and delectable crumb, but it's the old-fashioned browned-butter glaze that gives it a nutty...
This Chocolate Oreo Cake is to die for! A moist chocolate cake full of Oreo icing! And not just any Oreo icing - it is FULL of crushed up Oreos. An Oreo...
An easy recipe for delicious, moist vegan chocolate cupcakes with chocolate pudding buttercream frosting that can be made gluten-free too. Perfect as a...
This gluten-free cake makes a stunning end to a Passover meal or any springtime dinner, with surprisingly bright layers of green pistachio cake and pink...