A childhood favorite made larger than life, our celebration sheet cake features delicious homemade sprinkles. An old-fashioned cooked milk frosting is...
This rustic cake is infused with the tastes of honey, lemon, and a hint of ground cardamom, like a flavorful cup of tea. Four layers of cake-made tender...
This rich and delicious cake not only holds up for days--it gets even better. Baked with both instant powdered and brewed espresso, it boasts subtle coffee...
This multilayered dessert is much easier to put together than you might imagine. The chocolate bark requires a bit of precision, but then it's simply a...
Just because you can't have gluten, it doesn't mean you can't have dessert. Instead of white flour, this recipe used Cup4Cup gluten-free flour, which you...
This mousselike dessert is so airy it's liable to float right off your plate. Combine that texture with the cool flavor of peppermint-laced chocolate,...
You can serve this rich, creamy cake unembellished, or, as chef David Waltuck recommends, dusted with confectioners' sugar and topped with a berry compote...
Paired together with a chocolate drizzle, the texture of this cake turns out a decadent bite not unlike that of a candy bar. Martha made this recipe in...
Forget boxed cake mix -- this easy recipe is worth the extra few minutes of prep time, resulting in a cake that's moist and delicious and so chocolaty....
This dessert is proof that cheesecake can be as unexpected as it is delicious. Thanks to intense oven-roasted strawberries, folded into a blend of tangy...
Fresh flavors and an appealing look enliven this dessert. Dense Campari-infused cake is punctuated with golden raisins and jewel-like grapefruit segments;...
In Kentucky and its environs, this dessert once served as a wedding cake; neighbors and friends might have each brought a layer, and the hosts would add...
This may look like a classic chocolate Bundt cake, but one bite tells you it's something more. Generous amounts of ground and freshly grated ginger give...
This pumpkin cake recipe from pastry chef Katherine Thompson satisfies both seasonal and cocoa cravings, thanks to a combination of ground cinnamon, cloves,...
Candied orange slices are a sweet complement to this richly textured cake made with chopped almonds and nutty semolina flour. Look for semolina flour at...
Rich, moist, and super versatile, bake these crowd-friendly chocolate sheet cakes to win over family and friends. Decorate with a rich cream cheese frosting...
The carefree days of summer are embodied in this relatively effortless, yet elegant, skillet dessert. Aromatic lavender permeates the lightly sweetened...
Gumdrops stud the surface of this domed cake. Icing is piped out in starburst dots. You can't go wrong -- just start piping at the bottom and work your...
Everyone, meet tiramisu's enchanting summery sister. This no-bake, make-ahead treat may stand tall, but you can whip it up in short order: simply whisk...
Don't be fooled -- these rich-looking desserts may look like a cheesecake had a baby with a molten chocolate cake, but they're much lower in fat thanks...
Despite its all-American name, this no-bake dessert does not contain ice cream. Rather, it features vanilla semifreddo, an Italian frozen custard made...
This date-studded dessert derives its intoxicating flavor from chunks of dark chocolate and a jigger of brandy. A chocolate-enhanced sticky toffee glaze...
This meringue buttercream holds its shape particularly well, making it good for decorating. If the buttercream becomes too soft while piping, stir it over...
John Baricelli, the manager of the prep kitchen at the television studio, came up with this twist on the traditional buttercream-adding a hint of almond-for...