Because they can be made using matzo cake meal instead of flour, sponge cakes have long been favorite Passover desserts. This recipe, which is brought...
Rich and buttery, this French cake is named for its resemblance to a banker's bar of gold. We've added flecks of orange zest to punctuate the classic almond-flavored...
With juicy berries and zesty lemon, these tiny cakes pack big flavors. Heading to a friend's house for the weekend? Tasty little loaves made with peak-perfect...
The ice cream version of the classic Italian dessert builds on the traditional flavors by using vanilla and coffee ice cream alongside homemade ladyfingers....
Put a creative twist on the traditional rolled and filled cake known as roulade by going marble -- all you have to do to create the pretty pattern is mix...
If eating pie leaves you yearning for more crust, here's your dream dessert: Flaky, golden-brown pate brisee disks are layered with jam, then pastry cream...
Instead of cake and ice cream, try a birthday party dessert inspired by both. This gooey trifle overflows with layers of vanilla cake, vanilla pudding,...
Make sure the butter is at room temperature; cold butter will cause the buttercream to have a curdled appearance. Use this to make our Gingerbread Town-Square...
The fruits are poached with sugar and spooned atop sugar inside ramekins. Then a date- and walnut-laced batter is poured over the kumquats and baked; the...
Top this cake with both Honey-Gingerbread and Molasses-Gingerbread Cookies. See Shaped Gingerbread Cookies for how to make the gingerbread men. Because...
Buttery and sweet, pears are well suited to pastries and other end-of-meal treats. In an exotic twist on upside-down cake, saffron and ginger exert a Middle...
This is a dreamy chocolate chiffon cake! With real chocolatey flavour from natural cocoa, this cake is moist and super fluffy. It tastes fabulous dusted...
The name of this old-fashioned cake comes from its simple measuring formula: one cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, and four eggs. Our take...
Although its meringue peaks make it look exactly like a pie, underneath the topping is a moist, lemon-flavored cake. This recipe, featured on "Martha Stewart...
New York Crumb Cake is quite a popular dessert at Foster's Markets in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Owner Sara Foster estimates that her shops...
Fresh strawberries, seedless raspberry jam, and vanilla ice cream are layered between moist yellow cake for a three-layered frosted dessert that's just...
What's better than digging into a slice of cheesecake? That's easy -- eating the whole thing! Give each guest a tiny version of the classic creamy, graham...
A light chocolate cake is not a contradiction in terms; it's a splendid anytime snack. Here, some of the flour in our basic recipe is replaced with a half-cup...
Serve slices of this cake along with a cup of Ceylon black tea. Light and subtle, the tea's honey and citrus flavors make it a natural foil for a variety...
A simple cake that looks fancy (thanks to a decadent chocolate glaze) is perfect for the novice baker. If you have extra glaze, pour it into a jar and...
Elevate a basic box of store-bought vanilla cake mix with one cup of fresh strawberries and a decadent layer of homemade whipped cream. When you want an...
Famous for its smooth, silky texture and a flavor that is not saccharine, Swiss meringue buttercream is perfect for desserts like layer cakes that need...
Mint chocolate cleverly cut into the shape of footballs, plus a thick layer of buttercream, embellish this chocolate cake that's perfect for any Super...
Tucked inside nests of milk-chocolate shavings are truffle eggs tinted robin's egg blue and dusted with metallic luster. The accompanying marbled eggs...
Note: These recipes have been adapted from "Desserts by Pierre Herme," by Dorie Greenspan. Copyright 1998 by SOCREPA and Dorie Greenspan. Reprinted by...
Simple and excessive at once, this lofty creation combines the intense flavors and colors of fruit sorbets -- green apple, raspberry, grapefruit, and mango...
Four layers of very delicate, rich rum-flavored genoise spread with a generous coating of whipped cream makes a spectacular cake that's a really good companion...