Hot, hot, hot! Southern-favorite chicken salad gets a baked twist in this delicious new recipe. Our hot chicken salad takes the classic combination of...
Pastelón is a classic Puerto Rican dish made with layers of thinly-sliced plantains, ground beef, and cheese! Think of it as a Puerto Rican version of...
This easy Reuben casserole features all the classic ingredients of a Reuben sandwich---sauerkraut, Thousand Island dressing, Swiss cheese, pastrami, and...
How do you make eggplant taste good? Follow this Southern Eggplant Casserole Recipe. Adding cheese, cracker crumbs and butter to eggplant makes this Old...
This is my favorite casserole ever! Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole needs just 5 minutes of prep and is absolutely cheesy, delicious and completely...
Cheesy Tuna Casserole is the perfect combination of elbow macaroni, mixed vegetables and Velveeta cheese. The only thing missing is cream soup. This version...
Vegetarian Moussaka is a classic Greek dish that it's packed full of flavor and textures. Layers of eggplants, zucchinis, spinach, feta, potatoes, and...
This is the best beef noodle casserole ever! My favorite recipe from my grandmother is this casserole with plenty of vegetables, ground beef, and egg noodles....
Quick & Easy One pot casserole dish that can be made in the crockpot. Crockpot Pierogi Casserole with Kielbasa is a thick and hearty meal for any night...
Assemble and bake this blueberry French toast casserole with sweet custard and crispy topping right away, or make it ahead and look forward to a brunch...
Crock Pot Cabbage Roll Casserole! Deliciously easy, this Cabbage Roll Casserole recipe cooks up in the slow cooker all day. All of the flavor without all...
Skip the drive-thru and satisfy your family's burger cravings at home with a hearty, stick-to-your-ribs entrée that feels just right for cold weather....
Easy Tater tot casserole is the perfect easy comfort food casserole to make when you are short on time and want a tasty and filling dinner. With this easy...
This Acorn and Butternut Squash Gratin Casserole is made "Provencal style" with two types of winters squashes, whole roasted garlic, chunks of potatoes...
Want to shake up your typical dinner casserole? Bake spiralized zucchini noodles with sausage and tomato sauce, then top it with three different cheeses....
Ground Beef and Noodles Bake has everything kids love - hamburger and egg noodles in a creamy sauce. This easy recipe makes a huge casserole making it...
Get your forks ready and dig into this Tex Mex take on the comfort food classic Shepherd's Pie. It's spicy, cheesy and loaded with chicken, beans, and...