This is a delicious and tender turkey breast. The recipe fuses the traditional flavors of bacon, turkey, and ranch seasoning with the moistness of my beer-can...
This is a new take on lasagna using stuffing, chicken or turkey, veggies, and a creamy sauce. It's an easy meal-prep recipe for the night before or to...
Not your same old chicken, this recipe has a slight twist & shake to it from its unusual sauce. Serve with green vegetables for a complete meal in one....
This is a super easy, quick, and favorable sandwich that the whole family will love. You can easily enhance the flavor of this sandwich by adding other...
Take the stress out of holiday cooking by turning to this awesome multi-tasking device. The key to getting the roasted flavor is to use a barbeque dry...
Much easier than a traditional roast turkey, this sliced and stuffed turkey breast takes far less time than a whole bird, and it's perfect for an everyday...
The turkey turned out moist and yummy! The herb mixture seasons the meat and helps make the gravy, and adding chicken broth and white wine to the bottom...
Here's a whimsical bento box that is sure to delight any kid. Inside the box are turkey slices, crackers, cream cheese spread, carrot cat and penguin cut-outs,...
An easy way to dress up turkey breast. Serve with a salad or colorful vegetables for a complete meal. Other herbs, such as chervil and tarragon, also work...
My boyfriend and I made a rather large turkey breast and it was just the two of us, which meant a lot of leftover turkey meat! A few days later, I had...
Not your average hot turkey sandwich, the Hot Brown was invented at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky to absorb the bourbon that guests would enjoy...
This has been a family favorite for over 15 years. It's easy to make and a crowd pleaser. It can also be made the day before and baked when you are ready...
After reviewing several oven-fried, baked chicken recipes, I created this spicy, savory, slightly sweet, crispy baked chicken without any added salt. Using...
This has been a family favorite for over 15 years. It's easy to make and a crowd pleaser. It can also be made the day before and baked when you are ready...
I was looking all over for a recipe for a 10-pound boneless turkey breast and couldn't really find any, so I figured I would just whip up my own. It turned...