North Indian in origin, I was very grateful to have found this recipe. It is very similar to what was served to us by our Bengali neighbors years ago!...
A delicious authentic recipe of chicken curry. I've had this almost every day growing up. If you want a more creamy and smooth sauce, blend the onions...
Here is my recipe for dhal based on my many experiences cooking with my friends over the years. We love this served over freshly made basmati rice. Don't...
This delicious, mild curry is so easy to make. The word 'malai' means cream, but this curry gets its creaminess from coconut milk. This is a recipe from...
Lamb is simmered in a spicy tomato and cream sauce. This is a very mouthwatering dish that is easy to make. Serve with hot cooked rice or your favorite...
A spicy crab curry cooked with hot Indian spices, sliced red onion, and sliced potatoes (what we Bengalis call Chocchori Aloo.) It's best eaten with hot...
These are like little waffle balls that sit in and absorb a sugary rosewater syrup. It was first made on the Indian subcontinent, around South Asia. Gulab...
This recipe is very common and popular in Bangladeshi home kitchens. This cooking requires less spices in a balanced way. It can be served with rice, roti,...
This is a recipe dictated to me after much pestering from my best friend Shelly from Bangladesh who never writes anything down. The unique thing about...
A delicious authentic recipe of chicken curry. I've had this almost every day growing up. If you want a more creamy and smooth sauce, blend the onions...
Lamb is simmered in a spicy tomato and cream sauce. This is a very mouthwatering dish that is easy to make. Serve with hot cooked rice or your favorite...