I have a few favorite marinades that I have used for years this is one of them, this marinade will tenderize and add flavor to any cut of meat to absolute...
This recipe is so simple and takes hardly any time at all. An easy go to dish that is nice when served with salad, quinoa, rice, or any veggies. If you...
Everyone we know loves this easy-to-make mayonnaise and asks us for the recipe. Now it is here for them. Use the very best eggs you can buy. This is the...
Ingredients in a marinade can be varied, but it is important to use wine, vinegar, lemon juice, or some acidic liquid to break down the connective tissues....
This marvelous recipe is one I got off this newsgroup some months back, but am reposting for the Alfredo request since I have no idea if the original poster...
My sister gave this to me when I wanted something to top a pumpkin dessert. This is fabulous! Can be used for almost any dessert. I have even warmed it...
Tender juicy steaks on the grill are one of life's pleasures. This is the best marinade we have ever come across. It is the perfect blend of flavors and...
This is a no-fail yummy rotisserie chicken all-purpose rub! I use this to cook chicken in any manner of ways: oven, grill & crock pot, etc. This also works...
This adopted recipe has already received many good reviews and is the way I have always fixed deviled eggs. Since these are just basic deviled eggs, use...
I've used this dill pickle recipe as long as I've grown cucumbers. It's easy to make and the pickles taste amazing. I make these in small batches every...
My favorite way to saute fresh shrimp. This is so quick and simple. Serve over rice or angel hair pasta (I usually saute a little more garlic in olive...
A wonderful and flavorful dish that you can choose a variety of fish such as flounder, cod, trout, snapper, etc. Great served with fresh steamed veggies...
Back in the late 60's and early 70's, Betty Crocker sold a boxed noodles romanoff that I absolutely loved! When they quit making it, I set about the task...
Years ago I enjoyed a salad similar to this. I got what was in it, but not how to put it all together and the sizes and amounts. Over the years I used...
A friend at work gave me this recipe. It didn't seem like one I would like, but she made it one day and brought it to work. It has been one of my favorites...
This recipe is exactly what is written on the side of the McCormick's Montreal Steak Seasoning Container. I've been using it for several years and never...
I LOVE kale and this is how I like to make it almost every time. I'm a hot pepper flake chick, but if that's too much for you, just leave it out! Great...
This is an adopted recipe that received rave reviews when I tested it at a local party. I served it with Triscuits, as it is a hearty dip and needs a sturdy...
When you're out of mayonnaise, blend a batch of this Homemade Mayonnaise in under 1 minute. Because of the raw egg, this is not recommended for very young...
Another excellent fish recipe with a different twist on the topping! Once again, the topping can be used on almost any firm white fish you favor. Quick...
I use this recipe as a substitute for the canned cream of soups in recipes. I almost never keep that stuff on hand, because its full of sodium, and just...
I got this recipe from a cooking class I took on "Gourmet Gifts From the Kitchen" at Sur La Table. These small tart pickled apples are excellent served...
My Grandmother's recipe - the best I have had. This is not spicy. ONE NOTE: I never have luck removing things from molds so I always use a decorative serving...
This is a recipe I developed to copy a tasty dip that came from our favorite local mexican restaurant when my husband and I were in college at Michigan...
This shower cleaner came from an Everyday Cheapskate e-mail, and it is truly magic, as the title states. I just tried it and it got the soap scum off my...
I combined a few recipes to come up with this. The dressing is so good. I used 1 TBS wasabi paste, which makes it a little spicy, so reduce amount if you...