This is a great recipe for a hearty soup. You can substitute tame turkey for wild turkey and still call it wild turkey gumbo because of the wild rice....
A flavorful stew with tomatoes and cabbage. Very versatile. Serve with boiled yams, plantains, potatoes, rice, or any other starch on the side. Sardines...
This substantial stew will knock the socks right off of you with its full-bodied flavor. There are lots of vegetables. Have it over rice or big fat egg...
This recipe started as an experiment using chayote. It received unexpected raves at the table and is now in regular rotation at our house. We like this...
This stew is surprisingly delightful. It serves 6 people easily and most of the ingredients are probably in your pantry already. So easy and tasty. This...
Simple, easy, and quick... This is a stew using canned corned beef and ingredients easily found in most home pantries and refrigerators. The end result...
Korean beef stew so tender, sweet and spicy. Definitely a dish everyone will crave for. Garnish with chopped green onion and additional toasted sesame...
This is my take on the ubiquitous Latino stew, ajiaco. This version uses leftover roast beef, sweet red peppers, and creamy baby potatoes simmered together...
I created this gumbo using wild duck, however any type of poultry may be used as a substitute. Serve the gumbo hot over rice. It's a great meal on a cold...
This is a wonderful, spicy chicken stew served over rice. I make it often for my husband and friends. It can easily be doubled to feed a crowd. It is an...
Have the skin removed and rabbit opened and drawn. Disjoint as you would a chicken. If the 'wild' flavor is unfavorable, cover with cold water in a saucepan,...
Vegan and one of the most filling vegetarian dishes one can make. Optional: add a dollop of Greek yogurt or sour cream, and/or aged Italian cheese to each...
This is a recipe for a classic, dark brown, shrimp gumbo in true Louisiana Cajun country fashion. Serve over rice. Browning the chicken pieces in the oil...
Warming, savory and super-flavorful, this good-for-ya stew is perfect healthy comfort food for winter. It's a real umami powerhouse and tastes about as...
Goulash is a popular meal in Central Europe, Scandinavia, and Southern Europe. This type of keto-friendly goulash you can find in any better pub. Can be...
This simple stew tastes totally gourmet, and is a snap to prepare -- your slow cooker does most of the work! This recipe yields enough to feed a very satisfied...
This is one of our family staples. It's very quick to prepare. Once all the ingredients are in the pot, all you do is wait for it to be cooked. Serve it...
Not the best picture, I know, but it tastes sooo good! Kewa Datshi - literally meaning potatoes and cheese - is a delicious thick gravy-like Bhutanese...
This is a French-Canadian family recipe which we prepare often during winter and in the run up to Christmas. You'll need buttered slices of bread handy,...
This is a gumbo recipe that's been borrowed and recombined from three different people's recipes, and this is how it ended up! Laissez les bons temps rouler!...
Gumbo (a West African word that means 'okra') is traditionally served over long-grain white rice, but feel free to health it up by using brown rice. I...
This is a twist of a recipe I found some years ago. I've been passing the recipe around every year as the weather gets cooler. It's a great rib sticker!...
Tinaktak (pronounced tee-nack-tack) may have originated from the sound of chopping meat: tak! tak! tak! It is one of Guam's favorite comfort foods and...