We found this to be a tasty, healthier, and less costly way to have our pizza and eat it too! Made easier by the use of the bread machine. Make this in...
Using flatbread as the foundation for these pizzas ensures a crispy crust that you can feel good about devouring. In this recipe, I finish the pizzas with...
If you like a nice crispy pizza dough, this is your recipe. This was included in a recipe book that came with my KitchenAid stand mixer. All of the recipes...
Put a healthy spin on pizza night with this gluten-free and paleo-friendly cauliflower pizza crust. Made with just a handful of ingredients and no rising...
Even with a baking stone, a conventional oven is no match for a professional oven when it comes to making pizza. At home, or rather in your backyard, the...
This delicious recipe was inspired by Bon Appetit's Spicy Lamb Pizza but I found that I made many, many modifications. This is why I've decided to write...
Ready for a terrific pizza night? Here you'll find 17 yummy veggie pizza recipes packed with fresh, delicious ingredients sure to delight vegetarians...
A delicious vegetarian substitute for pizza, using eggplant as the crust and a delicious sun-dried tomato sauce. The topping choices are endless! Serve...
This is a flavorful, unique way to use up your leftover chicken, or use freshly cooked. The creamy garlic sauce is edible alone, and added to this pizza,...
Today's recipe was one that I made for the Super Bowl. The great thing about this taco pizza recipe is you can cut it into large squares and serve it as...
Ok I have been working on this recipe for a month or 2 (this is my 3rd attempt) and well I really think I got it!! Try it and let me know what you think...
I had a hankering for pizza, and I mean "good pizza"!! You order the first time and the pizza is amazing, you order a 2nd time, well, this time, they leave...
A great pizza to surprise your dinner guests with, this a perfect balance of sweet and salty. The caramelized onions give off a tangy, sweet flavor that...
No need for takeout when you can make delicious calzones for the family at home. This recipe makes two large log-type calzones. What makes this calzone...
Who knew pizza can be low-carb, healthy, and delicious too? This veggie-packed pizza swaps out the flour for a combo of cauliflower "rice" and ground almonds,...
I found this recipe on allrecipes.com. I love it and make it all the time. Super easy and very fast for a bread. Done in one hour! Can be used for a bread...
Famous UNO'S restaurant in Chicago published Aldean Stoudamire's pizza recipe back in 1987. This is as close as you can get to a "real" Chicago style stuffed...
Looking for a budget friendly, fast, and delicious way to feed the kids now that school is back in session? Our Deep Dish Pizza Casserole is just what...
Pizza Quesadilla is a fun new way to enjoy pepperoni pizza! This quick and easy 5-minute recipe is even easier than homemade pizza because you don't even...
Brussels Sprout and Bacon Pizza is a match made in heaven and a FOUR INGREDIENT recipe! A white pie with seared brussels sprouts, crunchy bacon, and mozzarella...
This is a very easy way to make calzones. I really liked her tip of using parchment paper and cornmeal to spread the dough. Get creative and use different...