Pasta carbonara is an indulgent yet surprisingly simple recipe. Made with pancetta (or bacon) and plenty of Parmesan, this recipe takes only 30 minutes...
Author: Elise Bauer
Quick and delicious green beans recipe with fresh green beans, shallots, and pancetta.
Author: Elise Bauer
A satisfying (and spicy!) pasta dinner is minutes away: use crushed red pepper flakes, white wine, and diced pancetta with crushed canned tomatoes for...
Slices of crisped pancetta and melted fontina cheese take the place of bacon and cheddar.
This perfect-for-fall side is a fragrant and comforting, but slightly different version of the traditional Thanksgiving dish.
If you're using pancetta, ask your butcher to cut it into 1/4-inch-thick slices. If you're using bacon, it will cook much more quickly.
This quiche-like tart features sautéed leeks, pancetta, and tomato slices surrounded by nutty melted Gruyere cheese.
This risotto takes very little effort for a great-tasting main course. Search triple tested recipes from the Good Housekeeping Cookery Team.
Author: The Good Housekeeping Cookery Team