Your favorite breakfast casserole or omelet in egg muffin form! Great for on-the-go breakfasts and very customizable to your own tastes. You can substitute...
Doesn't it feel great to eliminate a step in a classic recipe and have the new one turn out better? I was actually working on something I was going to...
This is an easy, delicious quiche that will take no time to prepare and your friends will ask for the recipe! I have made this for numerous office gatherings...
This is a breakfast casserole that you can prepare the night before and bake in the morning. It has a wonderful flavor, and is sure to become a family...
Even if you think you don't like asparagus you have to try this. It is a wonderfully easy quiche-like casserole to throw together for breakfast. This can...
My husband loves omelettes and nothing makes him happier. When cooking an omelette, it's important that you keep your temperature on the low side, as you...
Let me start by saying that I devised this recipe myself, and I just sort of add 'this and that.' This recipe is VERY forgiving, so you can add or remove...
This is an easy mix-it-up-in-one-bowl-and-cook recipe. I make it for every brunch I attend. You may substitute chopped spinach for the broccoli if you...
Hot buttered English muffins, Canadian-style bacon, and poached eggs are topped with a heavenly drizzle of hollandaise sauce. Wonderful for Easter, Mother's...
Another husband-approved recipe. Made a couple times recently because of how easy it is to make! This recipe is easy to double or triple, but you may have...
I love making a frittata whenever I want a quick meal. I always have eggs in the fridge and you can use a variety of vegetables. I like asparagus the best,...
In my opinion, a proper quiche should be rich, custardy, and luxurious--not some kind of dense, baked omelet. This has only enough eggs and yolks to hold...
Yet another crustless quiche that is designed for a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet. It is very rich and cheesy. The Parmesan and butter on the bottom form...
I made this for Christmas morning brunch, perfect to put in the oven and go open presents while it bakes. You can top with syrup or whipped cream or nothing...
This is a very unique breakfast dish. Good for any holiday breakfast or brunch, it's filled with the fresh taste of blueberries, and covered with a rich...
A great easy cook ahead dish. I like to make these for my boys to eat for breakfast on the go. Good reheated in the microwave. They freeze wonderfully....
A friend of mine made this, and I just had to have the recipe. And it is the best tasting quiche I have had in years. Never any complaints when I make...
This strata is really easy to make. Put it together the day before, then just remove from the refrigerator and bake. Ham or bacon can be substituted for...
Even with just one layer of filling in the middle of this strata, you'll be looking at a gorgeous casserole which should thoroughly impress your brunch...
A change of pace from a French omelet, the Denver omelet is known for its firmer texture and caramelized flavor. It's one of the first foods I've ever...
These light and fluffy scrambled eggs are a snap to put together for a big crowd. I usually make 2 pans for our Christmas Brunch, and I never have much...
My family loves omelets, and this is a quick and easy one. These directions are for a Denver omelet, but experiment with other ingredients to make your...
This delicious symphony of asparagus, portobello mushrooms, crispy bacon and onion will leave your taste buds hungry for more. Perfect for breakfast, brunch,...
Cheesy bacon-sausage-egg-hash brown skillet is a scrumptious, easy breakfast loaded with bacon, sausage, hash browns, cheese, and eggs! Garnish with 2...
This moist vegetarian quiche is perfect for every meal. The quiche was originally a quiche Lorraine, but has since been transformed. Feel free to add sausage...