This recipe turns canned pumpkin purée into a sublimely creamy, aromatic soup that makes for an elegant first course or a satisfying lunch on a cold day....
Author: Lidey Heuck
A traditional vegetable soup made for centuries throughout Eastern Europe and well loved in Russia and Poland, borscht has origins in present-day Ukraine....
Author: David Tanis
This easy vegetarian soup is surprisingly full flavored. (To make it vegan, substitute cooking oil for the butter and ghee.) If you want it more stewlike,...
Author: David Tanis
Hearty enough to serve for dinner, but full of a salad's worth of vibrant dark-leafed greens, this soup is both satisfyingly and extremely verdant. Puréeing...
Author: Melissa Clark
When it comes to stocking the pantry with root vegetables, most people stop with potatoes (regular and sweet), carrots, onions and garlic. And those are...
Author: Melissa Clark
A traditional vegetable soup made for centuries throughout Eastern Europe and well loved in Russia and Poland, borscht has origins in present-day Ukraine....
Author: David Tanis