Chicken breast, onion, chile peppers and beans make for great white chili sustenance! Here is a good recipe for those cold nights. Serve with some crusty...
You're not going to believe how awesome this chili tastes and how easy it is to make. I make batches and take it to work for lunch for the week. It's really...
Author: Tracy Hamilton
You'll love this chili if you tend to like foods from the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Greek food, or Indian food, because of the spices and flavor...
Author: Chef John
A true fusion of 'Tex' and 'Mex' style chili. I've made this recipe dozens of times, and it is great. Each bite slowly delivers a sweet flavor followed...
Four types of beans are combined with red pepper flakes, lots of cumin, chili powder, and salsa in this fiery turkey chili.
Author: Heather English
A light, spicy soup that is great in any season. I hope you enjoy this recipe; my family sure does! For spicier tastes, add more cayenne or your favorite...
Author: XPRESV
This is a Whole 30®-compliant dish! Very hearty for a cold winter day. It is full of flavor and very nutritious. Top with fresh cilantro and avocado!...
Author: Ashley Myers