Roast chicken could not be easier - or tastier - than with this recipe. Lemon, rosemary, and garlic help to flavor this gloriously roasted chicken with...
This is a salad that even non-cabbage eaters love. It is nice and crunchy with great flavor. I once took it to a potluck in my apartment complex and then...
Want a roasted chicken that is juicy inside without the use of a baking bag or flour? Then this recipe is perfect. It is quick and easy to prepare. The...
This is a simple yet wonderful dish that's full of flavor. The meat is very moist and falls off the bone. We love to serve this dish in our home with rice...
This dish is a snap to prepare but always hits the spot at my house. The creamy sauce with a hint of lemon keeps the chicken moist and delicious. Serve...
If you've never had Nashville Hot Chicken, we're talking about an ultra-crispy fried chicken doused with a cayenne-infused glaze, and by 'glaze' I mean...
Delicious alternative to beef, these flavorful burgers made with ground chicken will keep you grilling from spring to fall. Top with a spicy cheese or...
I love the sweet and tangy pineapple sauce. I serve this over rice and accompany it with green beans. This recipe was handed down to me from my mother-in-law...
I got in from work one night and wanted something a little lighter. I had some frozen chicken breasts and fresh veggies. I added the spices at random and...
Cornish game hens stuffed with a vegetable mixture, then roasted. A Cornish game hen recipe that I found and tweaked a bit for the taste and size of our...
This easy but elegant entree first appeared in "Quick Cooking" magazine. Someone posted this at the Somersize website, which is where I found it. I usually...
This is a recipe that I have put together over some various websites, verbal consultations and just experimenting on my own and with my family. Rich and...
Chicken breasts with a crunchy breadcrumb-and-almond-sliver coating are a light and satisfying springtime entree. Serve them with Orzo with Peas and Mint...
Mom made them because they are cheap, and now the convenience stores sell them in the South! You must have a fry screen -- these darn things pop and will...
Sprinkle chicken breasts with garlic powder, onion powder and seasoning salt - then sautee and enjoy. Couldn't be easier! Great recipe for quick and easy...
The trick to keeping these oven-baked chicken wings crispy, is parboiling the wings in a flavorful liquid, which helps season the chicken and produce a...
This is a recipe to serve your mother-in-law; we call it a 'bride basic'. It differs from some Chicken Divan recipes because of the curry. Men love this....
Cajun cooking is a combination of French and Southern cuisine. It is robust, country style cookery - and so is this dish! Laissez le bon temp roulez and...
This nostalgic dish evokes the Old School casseroles your grandmother used to make-but in easy mode to make it quick, delicious, and great for a weeknight....
African-inspired spices infuse the peanut butter and tomato base of this hearty one-pot stew starring chicken, sweet potatoes, and collard greens. This...
This is quite possibly the most flavorful stir-fry I have ever eaten. It is very quick and very easy. Don't let the list of ingredients intimidate you...
I found a wonderful cookbook at a garage sale last summer. It's 566 pages of recipes from the employees of Dayton's,Hudson's, and Marshall Fields. We tried...
This is a great skinless, chicken breast recipe that can be served over salad greens or as an entree! If serving over salad greens, cut chicken into strips...
The honey-sriracha glaze is quite delicious and incredibly simple, but merely an afterthought here. The real star of the show is the strange, but effective,...
Chicken and artichokes are perfect partners. Although this is a quick and easy recipe, it has a fairly upscale flavor profile. Serving suggestions are...
Chicken breasts coated with mustard and French fried onions, then baked. So simple, so 'magnifique'! You can vary the type of mustard to get different...