Make the day before desired; this cake improves with time. Made in a pressure cooker. If desired, garnish with confectioners' sugar or whipped cream and...
A citrus cheesecake with a shortbread crust. It takes a long time of preparation but it is well worth the wait. If you can't find a vanilla bean, substitute...
Delicious and easy to make No-bake peanut butter cheesecake. This recipe doesn't require gelatin. Super rich flavor and texture peanut butter and chocolate...
Cheesecake? In a pressure cooker? You bet. A creamy cheesecake relies on beating lots of air into the batter before cooking it. It also requires steaming....
This is an adaptation from Adam on Chowhound and a restaurant in Tampa, FL... It is a lighter, less dense, and fluffier cheesecake with the crackle of...
That you can make this lovely, sweet treat without turning on the oven is probably enough of a reason to give this serious consideration. Besides the taste...
A very simple but delicious chocolate cheesecake in a chocolate cookie crust. You can make this into a Mocha cheesecake by blending 3 Tablespoons coffee-flavored...
This recipe was handwritten on the inside cover of a recipe book given to me as a wedding gift in 1968. It's a pie that makes it's own crust. It can be...
This is a quick and easy cheesecake recipe created by my grandmother and handed down through 3 generations. Each has put their own special touch on it...
This is a recipe I've been making for a few years, and it's always a hit. My family loves it, party guests love it, and I certainly love it, too! It makes...
This recipe is not as filling or heavy as other cheesecakes. It makes a great finishing touch to most simple meals, or you can decorate it to go with elegant...
A gluten-free, soy-free, cow dairy-free New York cheesecake that has that decadent mouth-feel. I have served it several times without anyone noticing it...
If you love chocolate chip cookie dough straight out of the batter bowl or in ice cream, you'll love this next recipe! A small piece goes a long way! It's...
A cheesecake-like custard bakes over a layer of caramel in my attempt at making flan that tastes like cheesecake. Much to my (pleasant) surprise, I ended...
This is a show-stopper dessert! The cheesecake is so creamy and luscious, studded with chocolate chips and a faint cinnamon flavor. The mascarpone here...
This cheesecake is to-die-for. A velvety, scrumptious dulce de leche cheesecake baked to perfection, ideal for serving as a dessert or with coffee among...
Always a favorite pairing of flavors, this luscious cheesecake stars a delectable blend of orange and chocolate. Make one or both toppings to enhance the...
Rich and luscious cheesecake. The crust is made with zwieback crumbs and the filling is made with dry curd cottage cheese. You may substitute ricotta if...
This is an adaptation of a popular New York cheesecake recipe that I revised for low-carb diets. The crust is a little off because there's really no perfect...
Mimi gave this recipe to my mother, who then gave it to me. This is my Papa's cake of choice for his birthday. A sour cream topping makes this cheesecake...
This cheesecake is truly five star rated and those that eat it will certainly agree it's the finest ever made. It's good enough to just make one every...
Found this recipe and copied it down a while ago... finally got a chance to make it! Tweaked it a bit so it is easier to make, and unquestionably even...
A close friend is a cheesecake and Guinness fanatic. He requested a Guinness cheesecake for his 25th birthday; this is the result. It is quite smooth and...
A friend of mine e-mailed me to tell me that he'd dropped his jalapeno into his cheesecake...and that it was awesome! Inspired by my friend's clumsiness,...
I first made this cheesecake for dinner guests about two years ago. I haven't stopped getting requests for it since. Though it's made with extremely rich...
Coming from a family that has a lot of gluten intolerance, I decided to try and come up with a gluten-free cheesecake cupcake recipe that everyone can...
Don't let the name fool you into thinking this is a cake for kids. This cheesecake definitely has a richness and flavor that will absolutely appeal to...
A no-bake cheesecake made with caramel candy, chocolate and pecans, this tastes just like the turtle candy! Hot tip: An easy way to drizzle fudge topping...