Fall in simple skillet cake form, this easy pumpkin cake that can be made in one bowl. The frosting is fluffier and comes together more quickly with the...
A combination of buckwheat and whole wheat flour gives this deeply buttery cake a character that is nutty, rich and complex, while a little almond flour...
This cake is a simple delight, a nice ending for a rich dinner or something to enhance teatime. It depends on ginger, the candied kind, though some ground...
This recipe for a tres leches cake (a traditional syrup-soaked confection from Latin America) takes a good thing - namely the combination of milks that...
This is a layer cake in the loosest sense of the term. The cake looks like a giant toasted marshmallow, and beneath its swirled meringue are layers of...
In this intensely rich recipe, you'll jazz up a fudgy chocolate soufflé cake with crème fraîche and candied, cinnamon-scented butternut squash, turning...
This delicate cake is inspired by fraisier, a French cake made from layers of sponge, strawberries and cream. Fraisier cakes are elaborately constructed...
This recipe came to The Times from Marti Buckley Kilpatrick, who adapted it from Dol Miles, the pastry chef at Frank Stitt's Bottega restaurant in Birmingham,...
Bundt cakes are classic showstoppers - big, lofty and usually dressed in elegant drizzles and drips of glaze. Here, a dense, moist cake full of warm fall...
This simple sheet cake is packed with three kinds of spicy ginger: fresh, ground and crystallized. The cake is delicious on its own, but cream cheese frosting...
I discovered that candied fruit likes getting soused with currants or dates, and that it isn't fussy about the medium: sherry, rum or Cognac all make it...
This moist and fragrant cake from Molly Wizenberg, the author of the popular food blog Orangette, calls for a whole orange and lemon, almonds and olive...
This classic rum cake recipe, built around a yellow cake mix, is a favorite of mushers and snowmobilers passing through the village of Tanana, Alaska,...
The ridicule that most fruitcakes face has everything to do with bad recipes, which skimp on fruit and load on the batter. In a good fruitcake the batter...
Whether you pack this cake as a gift or have it ready when visitors come to you, the imperative to share is implicit in its name. The cake is built for...
This recipe for bibingka, the celebratory rice cake traditionally eaten around Christmastime in the Philippines, comes from the New York restaurateur Nicole...
One of the beauties of layer cake is that you can do much of the work in advance. The cake layers can be baked one day ahead, wrapped tightly and kept...
Adding preserved lemon juice to lemon curd is the brilliant brainchild of Samantha Kincaid, the pastry chef of the restaurant High Street on Hudson. It...
This recipe requires a little extra effort - you have to whip the egg whites separately and then fold them into the batter - but the reward is a light,...
The classic Sicilian cassata is a spongecake layered with creamy sweetened ricotta, a heavenly combination. Though usually topped with colorful candied...
Softer and more fruit-filled than a coffeecake, but with a higher percentage of buttery batter than a cobbler, buckles are harder to classify than they...
This cake, which was developed by the British-Israeli chef Yotam Ottolenghi, may not look perfect. You may end up with cracked layers, roughly cut edges...
Layer cakes are always festive, particularly when they are four-layered, fluffy and cloudlike. This one, based on the flavors of an Indian dessert called...
From the outside, this looks like your standard, run-of-the mill poundcake. But slice into it, and you'll discover a ruby-red row of raspberries nestled...
German chocolate cake is an American classic, named after a chocolatier called Samuel German (as opposed to the European nation). Milder than devil's food...
With its soft, buttery crumb, this classic French cake is similar to a giant shortbread, though moister and more tender. Its hidden prune filling is traditional,...
Making biscuits is a combination of technique, faith and magic. You pull the dough together with your hands, pass through a stage where only a belief in...
The exquisite combination of raspberries and cream is made even more so by the addition of this light, finely textured sponge cake. The cake should be...
In the height of summer, turning on the oven should be considered off limits, but we still need dessert. For that, there's the no-bake cheesecake, which...
The exquisite combination of raspberries and cream is made even more so by the addition of this light, finely textured sponge cake. The cake should be...
This crunchy, spicy carrot cake is much lighter and less cloying than most I've tasted. It's important to grate the carrots on the fine holes of your grater,...
The name of this cake is somewhat deceiving, since most apple cakes are easier than pie (which is actually never that easy if you're making it from scratch)....
This moist and springy Persian almond cake is generously spiced with ground cardamom (two full teaspoons). We like it with fresh berries. If you want to...
This is a fancy restaurant dessert that's easy to make at home: mix up the little cakes, stash them in a fridge for a day and then take them out as you...
The South has about as many poundcake recipes as there are grandmothers. This one produces a higher, lighter cake than many recipes. It came from Dora...
Susan Levin Turner has taught many Southerners, both professional chefs and home cooks, how to bake a proper cake. She has made cakes for politicians and...
In this country, ingestion of the pineapple upside-down cake has often been used as proof of citizenship - unless you had some as a child, you simply weren't...
This dense and deeply figgy cake, adapted from Eli's Table in Manhattan, gets its complex flavor from a combination of fresh figs and fig jam, seasoned...
Ground pistachios give this loaf cake a lovely nutty flavor, green hue and tender crumb. It's adapted from the cookbook "Sweeter Off the Vine," by Yossy...
This cake appeared in The Times in 1954 as Halloween Cake, the centerpiece for a children's party. When you strip away the original instructions for decoration...
This simple, lemon-scented olive oil cake is an elegant treat all by itself or topped with whipped cream, fruit or ice cream. The olive oil contributes...
This almond cake is based on financiers, the small, usually ingot-shaped cakes first made in Paris in the late 1880s. The pastry chef Lasne created and...
The gentle bite of fresh ginger and spices pairs wonderfully with bittersweet chocolate. Sticky molasses and spicy ginger flavor this warm and cozy one-bowl...
Chocolate lovers will enjoy this festive, spirited cake from Maida Heatter, the cookbook author and pastry chef. Rich with chocolate, coffee and bourbon...