This incredible Strawberry Glazed Pound Cake is rich and dense, yet light with a slight touch of lemon, then drizzled with a delicious sweet and easy to...
Layers of strawberry cake are topped with swirls of seven-minute frosting for a beautiful early summer cake worthy of any weekend brunch with friends and...
Simply the BEST Pineapple Upside Down Cake recipe! Picture a fluffy buttery vanilla sponge with a luscious topping of caramelised pineapple and cherries....
There are no two foods that pair together better (for me). Peanut butter (a good quality, unsweetened one) is so good for you and it's just so darn delicious....
Andie Mitchell's Sour Cream Fudge cake from her memoir 'It Was Me All Along' . This cake is dense and fudgy and a chocolate lover's dream. It says I love...
Looking for an easy dessert recipe that delivers impressive results? Make a delicious Coconut Pudding Cake with just a few ingredients! Moist cake with...