My family has been using this very simple and delicious recipe for sausage, peppers, and onions for years and years now. For an extra kick, try using half...
"Char siu" literally means "fork roast" - "char" being "fork" (both noun and verb) and "siu" being "roast" - after the traditional cooking method for the...
This entree is easy and delicious! It's one of my husband's favorites! Try to use the largest chicken breasts you can find so you'll be able to roll them...
This is an Italian comfort food classic! The smell of this cooking in my kitchen transports me back to playing on the street in front of my Papa and Gigi's...
A wonderful flank steak on the grill recipe I invented that friends just love! My girls think this is great, and it doesn't take long to grill. This also...
My Mom has cooked this recipe for as long as I remember. Now that I live on my own, I can't wait to go back home over the holidays to have this excellent...
This is a recipe from a sweet old German lady I used to attend church with. Allow for plenty of time to prepare and cook this dish. It is definitely worth...
I am half Italian, was raised eating the finest Italian-American cuisine, and have filmed almost 2000 recipe videos, so when you consider all of those...
Homemade meatballs are a very easy to make, and since we skip the very messy step of pan-frying these before they hit the sauce, it becomes downright simple....
This is a great recipe for parties. I freeze the leftovers; they reheat quite well. The zesty chicken and cooked peppers are a succulent delight when mixed...
In addition to its impressive high-gloss appearance and savory taste, this Chinese barbeque pork is quite easy to make at home--even without a fancy ceramic...
My grandmother's recipe for roasted chicken. We are German and she used to do it this way all the time. I never have had a chicken this juicy before; this...
This quick and easy taco bake will satisfy even the most picky eaters. You can modify it to add things you love. It's yummy and so easy to make! Top with...
This is an authentic recipe for mojito. I sized the recipe for one serving, but you can adjust it accordingly and make a pitcher full. It's a very refreshing...
This is the fast and easy chop suey recipe that my mother always made, and we love it 'as is', but you could substitute a can of Chinese mixed vegetables...
Here is a classic Cuban recipe for ground beef that is typically eaten over white rice. It can also be used as a filling for tacos or empanadas. It's delicious...
A delicious meal, served with boiled white rice, that's easy and made from items that I've already got in my cupboards! My mother clipped this recipe from...
My husband makes these easy meatballs with simple ingredients like eggs, panko bread crumbs, garlic powder, and fresh basil, and they come out flavorful...
This dish was created in the Lazio region (the area around Rome) in the middle of the 20th century, after World War Two. We don't use cream, milk, garlic,...
This is a rich, dark chocolate topping or decoration that has lots of uses. It can be whipped as filling or icing, or just poured over whatever cake you...
This traditional moussaka is truly the best, and just as authentic as any you'd try in Greece! While it takes a bit of time, it's actually quite simple...
A delicious, classic chicken dish -- lightly coated chicken breasts braised with Marsala wine and mushrooms. Easy and ideal for both a quick weeknight...
After searching the internet for a good Chinese Spareribs recipe and not finding any that caught my eye, I decided to make my own. This recipe is pretty...
Spices, spices, spices! This recipe is thick with 'em, and your taste buds will be thick with pleasure from Moroccan Chicken. This exotic tasting dish...
Someone gave me this recipe a few years back and it's become a household favorite. You can use mild, medium or hot salsa depending on your taste. I usually...
My husband says this dish is restaurant quality. It can be made ahead and kept in the refrigerator overnight. Very filling and great served with a salad...
Most Bulgogi recipes call for crushed pear. This is for tenderizing the meat. My boyfriend's Korean mother says Coca-Cola® can also be used for the same...
Chicken breasts sauteed and simmered with onion, olive oil and curry powder. Simplest chicken curry you'll ever make! Serve over hot cooked rice with a...
This is an easy and very tasty dish. I often substitute ground turkey and low fat dairy products and it is still delicious! Serve with chips, salsa and...
I never knew how to make good meatballs until I found this recipe. I normally make mine with just ground beef and they still taste great. I've used the...
This is a subtle yet richly flavored curry that complements shrimp perfectly. A very authentic taste, and a very easy meal to prepare when you are in a...