I made up this recipe when I had none of the ingredients I needed! Your family will love this one, and you'll be able to make something else while this...
This is simple and delicious. The taste is so smooth and creamy most people think this is a fattening soup loaded with cream and potatoes. People are always...
Perfect for the summer and quick to make. If you enjoy gazpacho or any other cold soups, you'll love this. Zucchini combines with tomato, mint, basil,...
This soup has a smooth texture and a light taste; it's well worth the effort. I remember my grandmother preparing it, filling the whole house with the...
I adapted this from a vegetarian soup while my twin toddlers were going through a soup-only phase. They love it. Luckily the rest of the family enjoys...
This is a wonderful recipe I learned while in college. Serve with a nice crusty bread. You can make this on the stove or in a slow cooker, whichever one...
Baked potato soup made with hash browns, great for cold weather! I serve it in a bread bowl if I have the frozen bread dough handy and raised. Bread bowl...
This flavorful soup is a great treat any time of year! Its sweet and fresh taste redefines this typically average dish while chunks of tomatoes give it...
The spices in this soup really marry up well and make this the tasty, flavorful soup it is. I can guarantee you will impress even the fussiest of eaters....
A pureed vegetable soup can be an impressive, easy and affordable first course for an elegant dinner, or even a light dinner on its own with salad and...
Creamy and savory, there are NEVER leftovers when I make this dish. A great way to incorporate turnips into your diet! If soup becomes too thick, thin...
Way cheaper to make it yourself than buy the packets. This recipe makes the equivalent of one packet of soup mix. If you're adding this to a liquid, the...
Nothing fancy here, just a simple, great comfort food for a long Canadian winter. I used to come inside to this piping hot soup after a day on the outdoor...
This delicious soup is quick and easy to make by roasting fall-harvested butternut squash. This recipe provides a great way to get that pumpkin spice goodness...
This recipe is an offshoot of the more classical potato leek soups. This is sort of a meat-and-potatoes type of recipe! It has a lot of cheese in it and...
People have offered me their firstborn children for this recipe; it is simple, easy to make, and delicious. It's also vegan if you don't add the cheese...
The recipe that follows is one that is popular with, and derived from, the local farming community of Cardiganshire. There are regional variations throughout...
This is a recreation of a soup I was served at a wonderful restaurant in downtown Greensboro, NC. The sweetness of the sweet potatoes combined with the...
At a point of abundance with tomatoes and zucchini from my garden I came up with this soup. A friend said it was like a soup you would get at one of those...
Delicious cream of asparagus soup. Perfect for yummy, light dinners.. I serve this soup with gluten-free croutons or toast and finely chopped parsley....
This restaurant-quality soup is hearty and very tasty! I didn't have onions at home when I made this. Although the soup turned out really flavorful without...
This is a wonderfully simple chunky soup. I use good quality Irish back bacon but if you can't get this, it tastes equally good made with pancetta. The...
This soup is an easy recipe for a cold fall or winter day. My family loves it and we make is about once a week during the chilly seasons. Any leftovers...