Add some color to your plate with our Creamy Mashed Carrots! These tasty carrots get their creamy from PHILADELPHIA Chive & Onion Cream Cheese Spread....
A delicious 3-ingredient recipe for sweet, savoury and salty maple bacon Brussel sprouts, the perfect easy recipe to make everyone in your family LOVE...
Take dinner from dull to delicious when you make our Roasted Winter Vegetable Trio. With Brussels sprouts, carrots and potatoes tossed in a zesty dressing,...
Wrap your brussel sprouts in delicious bacon for a twist of flavor in this Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts recipe. This is the perfect holiday party appetizer...
So many things are smart about this sumptuous stir-fry-lite soy sauce, light zesty dressing, fresh vegetables, brown rice-the chef will be considered a...
Grab some fresh carrots and cook up Orange-Glazed Carrots with Bacon. This beautiful orange-glazed carrot side dish comes complete with crumbled bacon-yum!...
Get the kids to eat their broccoli with our tasty Cracker Topped Broccoli Casserole recipe! Prep for our easy Cracker Topped Broccoli Casserole recipe...
Introduce your diners to Cider-Glazed Brussels Sprouts. Cook these glazed Brussels sprouts in apple cider and serve them with bacon and almonds. These...
Follow this how-to video to create an easy Cheesy Beef-Corn Chip Skillet that the entire family will love. Made with ground beef, onion, corn chips, creamy...
Liven up your table with our Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpeas recipe. Ready in just 40 minutes, Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpeas is a fast and flavorful...
Wrap your brussel sprouts in delicious bacon for a twist of flavor in this Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts recipe. This is the perfect holiday party appetizer...
So many things are smart about this sumptuous stir-fry-lite soy sauce, light zesty dressing, fresh vegetables, brown rice-the chef will be considered a...
Give plain carrots a saucy makeover with our recipe for Creamed Carrots! Cream cheese and chives make for a whole new way to love carrots. We bet even...
Make our Fresh Veggie Pasta Salad for a delicious dish that's sure to steal the show! Carrots, grape tomatoes and snow peas star in this Fresh Veggie Pasta...
Enjoy this alternative to the typical with our Cauliflower 'Rice' Recipe! This Cauliflower 'Rice' Recipe turns cauliflower florets into a savory side dish...
Go green with a plate of Collard Greens with Sausage and Onions! Garlic, turkey sausage, crushed red pepper, onion and tomato vinaigrette dressing add...
Cozy up for a cold-weather classic with a bowl of our Creamy Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Soup. Add more flavor with thick cut bacon and KRAFT Parmesan Cheese....
Enjoy putting together the bright colors of fresh produce in this Italian-Marinated Vegetable Salad. You'll love the flavorful bite of vegetables and Italian...