Another delicious recipe from my Williams-Sonoma "Steak and Chops" cookbook. DH and I found this to be wonderfully spicy. We used baby portabellas for...
This is tender and so good. A very easy recipe to serve but tastes like a fine dining experience. Try something exotic for your mushrooms for a different...
Tender veal slices with a buttery, lemon sauce. This is good enough to serve at a fancy dinner party. I've made this one for years. Sprinkle parsley on...
DH and I made this delicious dish for dinner a few nights ago. We used veal scallopine instead of the cutlets and it still turned out great. From Williams-Sonoma...
Posted in response to a request; this is an awesome meal for a romantic dinner or when you want to impress someone! Use chicken if you don't like veal...
I couldn't resist! Named in honor of one of my all time favorite "Mary Tyler Moore" episodes! I've been searching for an actual Veal Prince Orloff recipe,...
These savory little meatballs are browned and then added to a delicious white wine sauce. They can be served as part of a tapas buffet or as a main course...
This is very good! I love veal dishes and I was surprised at how easy it is to make this. Makes a nice dinner for a romantic evening or a dinner party....
I have been making this recipe for my husband's birthday dinner for the last 15 years. This recipe truly stands on it's own merit and I don't recommend...
Saltimbocca -- It translates literally as "jump in your mouth"--a reference to how good it's supposed to be. This is a simple veal dish and one of the...
Found on DH adores this meatloaf. Since I seldom have fresh herbs on hand, I used 2 tablespoons of the squeeze Italian herbs from...
From the venerable Ristorante Villa Francesca in Boston's North End; this was in the Boston Herald's recipe request column in the 90's. I haven't tried...
Very traditional Swiss meal. Adapted from Betty Bossi. You can also add about 200g of calf's kidney, instead of some of the veal, but I don't like it so...
Lovely grilled veal chops marinated in a honey mustard marinade. Grilled and basted with the sauce. Yum! Prep time does not include the 1 hour marinating...
I had never fixed veal, for some reason I always thought it was difficult, but this recipe proved me wrong. It's fairly simple, and delicious. I don't...
This is an old Weight Watcher's recipe my mom has been making since the late 70's. We both still make it to this day. The recipe contains no added fat,...
this is quick and tasty, great served over buttered noodles. i first tried this dish yers ago. it's from my cookbook by pierre franey called 60 minute...
I serve this with Toasted Garlic Bread and a salad. For us (2), we LOVE pasta, so this recipe is enough for dinner, and 1 leftover serving for lunch the...
Serve with green beans and sauteed potatoes. Put a small dab of the sauce beside the chop and pass the rest separately. Anchovies enhance the taste of...
This recipe was in an April/03 Lifestyle, a local paper. I think this is the best meatloaf I've ever tried. Follow all the steps and you will also have...