Simple, perfect roast turkey just like grandma used to make. Seasoned with salt and pepper, and basted with turkey stock, the flavors of the turkey really...
This is a simple and delicious recipe. After making them the first time my husband said 'no more' to beef burgers. These are really good - any cooking...
After much trial and error trying to make a more healthy meatloaf, I came up with this recipe. It is important to make this on a baking sheet so the liquids...
After trying every turkey-roasting method under the sun, I've finally settled on this as absolutely the best. The secret? Slow down the cooking of the...
The biggest myth in all of American cookery is the belief that a juicy, perfectly cooked turkey is difficult for the novice cook to achieve. One of the...
This truly is the World's Best Lasagna! I love this recipe but I am always looking for ways to take out the fat when I cook. I substituted lean ground...
This is a great way to have a small scale turkey dinner anytime of the year. Serve with rice, noodles, or dressing. This recipe can also be increased very...
My grandmother and mother passed this recipe on to me. It changes just a little every year, because we've never written it down before. But it is always...
Does your turkey need a boost of moisture and flavor? Try this! Tweak it to your own liking as much as your imagination wants. Carve the entire turkey...
This recipe originally came from the Brown Hotel in Louisville, KY. I have altered it based on how I have had it served in restaurants in Louisville. This...
Although not very traditional, grilling turkey is the best way of cooking it -- it comes out tender and juicy every time! The turkey drippings may be used...
I came up with this thinking of a different way to serve the turkey breast. The sour cream seals in the moisture and no one would ever guess that it's...
The biggest myth in all of American cookery is that a juicy, perfectly cooked turkey is difficult for the novice cook to achieve. Even if this is your...
Chili and cornbread go so well together, why not bake them in the same pan! I've been making this for years and my kids love it. I use ground turkey, but...
A wonderful meat loaf that is fairly easy to make. Pairs well with a variety of side dishes. This can be a meal in itself or can be served with mashed...
This is an awesome Cajun recipe. Deep-frying makes the turkey crispy on the outside and super juicy on the inside (even the white meat). It also leaves...
A simple yet festive main dish. If you're not up to the task of roasting a turkey this dish is for you. Serve with Cranberry Chutney. Originally submitted...
Absolutely delicious. The fresh corn bread adds so much flavor! Use bacon or ground pork. You can add whatever you like, but this is the way i always make...
This recipe uses some of the same techniques and seasonings as the shish kebab to improve the dull turkey burger. For something made with meat that is...
This recipe makes your turkey moist and full of flavor. You can also use this recipe for Cornish game hens, chicken breasts or roasting chicken. Select...
Dry brining is the easiest way to get a moist and flavorful turkey on the table for your Thanksgiving dinner. Plan ahead, you'll need a few days to get...
This is the perfect turkey. The maple adds a sweet flavor that is just divine. A family favorite! Substitute 2 teaspoons dried marjoram if fresh marjoram...
A perfectly seasoned and juicy turkey. My friend from France taught me to cook turkey like this, but she never measures anything so use your own judgment...
This is a great recipe for smoked turkey. A barbecue grill is nearly impossible to cook a large bird. A smoker is best for this. I prefer hickory chips...
These are a big hit in the summertime when everyone is tired of the same old hamburgers and hot dogs. Serve with or without buns and your favorite condiments....
A New England style turkey with maple syrup. It makes for a mellow Thanksgiving dinner. Try stuffing it with Cranberry, Sausage and Apple Stuffing. If...
Got the recipe from my retired neighbor, and the taste is wonderful The second-day leftovers can be layered with mashed potatoes/whatever, turkey slices,...