Recipe VIDEO above. Don't settle for a bland lentil soup. Make it right, and you'll have everyone begging for seconds...and thirds! The touch of spices...
One of my most popular recipes and for good reason! This is the best chili I've ever tasted! Slow cooking it allows for the flavors to meld and the most...
Nothing says more "comfort food" than thick, creamy Minestrone Soup.Italian Minestrone soup is made with seasonal veggies, legumes and small pasta shape...
Make a warming bowl of borsch (also known as borscht or borshch) with this simple and comforting recipe. Serve this hearty soup with a dollop of soured...
Simple and hearty Italian minestrone soup, brimming with vegetables, beans and a little pasta. The draw here is in the thick, flavorful tomato broth with...
This hearty, easy meatball soup combines Italian-style meatballs, chopped veggies and pasta, all simmered in a rich tomato broth. Add a side of your favorite...
An easy and delicious creamy potato soup recipe that can be made in just one pot! Loaded with bacon and creamy potato goodness, this is a favorite comfort...
This homemade butternut squash soup is the best I've ever tasted! This recipe is super creamy (yet cream-less) and full of delicious butternut flavor....
Hearty mushrooms, chopped vegetables, and tender pearl barley make up this simple and satisfying mushroom barley soup. As comforting as your favorite deli's...
A thick and creamy seafood chowder, with potatoes and seafood of your choice. You will need a total of 1 1/3-1 1/2 lbs. of seafood. Use fish, shrimp, scallops...
Easy gazpacho recipe with fresh ripe tomatoes and vegetables, garlic, vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. A pinch of cumin and a garnish of fresh herbs...
This Chicken and Dumplings recipe is SO EASY to make from scratch if you use rotisserie chicken and store-bought broth! It's a fast, easy comfort food...
This easy crockpot vegetarian chili recipe tastes delicious and is easy to make with basic pantry ingredients, three beans, vegetables, and spices. Gluten...
This simple vegan lentil soup recipe comes together quickly with mostly pantry ingredients. Be sure to have your ingredients prepped and ready before you...
You will LOVE these "Southern Style" chicken n' dumplings just the way my Texas Grandma used to cook them! A big bowl of this filling hot soup is comfort...
This cauliflower soup recipe is the best! Roasted cauliflower makes it taste amazing, and a little butter (instead of cream) makes it luxuriously creamy....
White chicken chili is the creamiest, coziest version of chili. It's made with chicken, beans, peppers, corn, jalapeƱos, and all of your favorite taco...
This broccoli cheddar soup recipe is so satisfying! It's loaded with fresh broccoli, and creamy thanks to a potato and cheddar cheese (no cream, no flour!)....
Learn how to make the easiest Homemade Tomato Soup! Say goodbye to the canned stuff. We are using a different set of cans (canned tomatoes) to make a much...
Recipe video above. A simple, delicious Chinese noodle soup with a broth that you'd swear came from your favourite Chinese restaurant! This is a midweek...
This Best Ever Creamy Carrot Ginger Soup is the best carrot soup that's warm, hearty, and packed with spicy ginger and creamy coconut. It's healthy, made...
Avocado soup is a delicious no-cook soup recipe that takes only minutes to make. Its fresh flavor and creamy texture make it both summery and cozy. Serve...
This Summer Corn Chowder is creamy, comforting and full of flavor. Made with bacon, garlic and cheese it's pretty hard to resist and can be enjoyed all...
This West African-inspired peanut soup recipe is a creamy and comforting, spicy vegan soup. Made with a simple combination of peanut butter, tomato paste...
Learn how to make a delicious, creamy seafood bisque with fresh shrimp, lump crab, rich cream and tons of delicious flavor! This recipe is incredibly simple...
This homemade carrot soup recipe is ultra creamy (yet cream-less) and full of rich, roasted carrot flavor! It's the best carrot soup you'll ever have....
Easy Red Lentil Dahl is a perfect plant based dish - tasty, healthy and ready in under 20 minutes. Red lentils are cooked with spices in this traditional...
Best Ever Slow Cooker Beef Stew is the absolute perfect comforting beef stew. A thick and rich sauce filled with hearty and chunky potatoes, carrots, onions,...