A creamy pesto without the cream! This pesto sauce is delicious and I guarantee you'll never make it a different way again! Double recipe for a full pound...
It sounds fancy, but this is a simple and delicious meal you can easily make for any occasion. Feel free to add any vegetables you like and make a meal...
The combination of the different types of seafood marinated in citrus juices is sure to get heads turning at your table! This recipe really lets the seafood...
A traditional street food in Nigeria, these skewers of beef, chicken, and shrimp are highly seasoned with a spice mix of ground peanuts, cayenne, ginger,...
Do not marinate the shrimp longer than the indicated time. If you are using bamboo skewers, be sure to soak them in cold water for at least 30 minutes....
A Cajun shrimp recipe cooked in a cast iron skillet and served with crusted French bread. I have made this twice for my wife and I, and we both love it....
Soy sauce, lime, and plenty of grated garlic create a marinade that adds tons of flavor in as little as five minutes while helping the shredded coconut...
A hearty meal made in one skillet. Serve with a crusty bread. Great for an easy weeknight dinner, but special enough for holidays or dinner parties. Sprinkle...